I am looking for a good smoke detector in Europe. I was initially looking a Bosch smoke alarm II. I Then discovered the Frient intelligent smoke alarm.
Has anyone experience with these two? Do they both respect the EU regulations? What is you experience? Would you advise a different model/brand?
I bought a few of the frient alarms and had a different experience. Out of 5 (so far) 3 were starting to fail after a few days. They started beeping every minute and the LED on the back turned solid red - which the support says is an unrecoverable failure and I should send them back.
Also of the remaining 2 one is draining its battery insanely fast. Its running for 2 months now and I already had to replace the battery.
I also have problems pairing them with ZHA (which does not really work, although some sensors show up) and z2m (which pairs, but configuring fails and some sensors are missing) using the ConBee 3.
I once had false positive and one of them disconnected after a fall… however about a month ago I had to return one because it was just dead. It was under warranty, so I got a new one but it did happen.
One thing I am really happy width them is… temperature! I had no idea how useful temperature readings can be and I love it! Also… it gives me piece of mind that they are working to see constant updates coming from them. I have CO monitor and updates battery every couple of week… I have no other indicator that it works.
Interesting that the temperature is working for you. I tried ZHA and Z2M with a ConBee 2, Conbee 3 and now the Sonoff Dongle, none of the combinations I’ve tried got me a working temp-sensor. I would really love to have a temp-sensor in every room by default, that is one reason why I chose the frient.
For now I’m holding off on buying any more and I hope for some updates in either Z2M or the firmware which fixes these things.