Hi all,
I use he assistant for a while now and although openzwave gives very little feedback, it works fine for our use. I use an old i3 laptop with an aerotec zwave plus usb dongle.
Because I have quite some Fibaro dimmers (which have the flickering bug) I decided to buy a second hand fibaro home center lite as this is the only way to update Fibaro fimware. So far I’ve excluded my zwave units, included them to the Fibaro controller and then checked the firmware.
However now that I’m almost done with this (rather painstaking) process I wonder if:
I should sell it, probably get the same money as I spend
keep it as a secondary zwave controller, although I haven’t figured out how and why
use it as a primary controller and just use the Fibaro integration which seems to work fine according to this forum
I haven’t decided and could really use some input on this. Hope you guys will give me some insight into your Fibaro controller use and if it makes sense to keep it
Facing the same “dilemma”. I tried joining the HCL as secondary controller (seems you can do so by going in the hcl to configuration–>zwave–>add secondary controller and in hass to “add node” in the zwave section). The fibaro then shows as unknown device, and some deives do show up in the fibaro, as unconfigured. However, the structure of these devices is different from joining them to the fibaro directly, even after doing a reconfigure of them in the fibaro. I didn’t manage to upgrade any firmware this way, and some started behaving strangely( such as my eurotronic valves dropping ± 50% battery overnight, and not responding very well anymore), so it seems this doesn’t work as it should (maybe hass doesn’t support secondary controlle, or I should have poked into the OZW files a bit).
I think I’m just going to put mine in a cupboard somewhere in case I have modules to upgrade in the future, as I think joining the devices to hass directly is more flexible in the end (and I don’t have much troubles with the zwave via aeotec stick so far).
So, if anyone is in the neighbourhood that needs fibaro modules updated…