Brand new HA install - trying to connect SmartThings hub


This weekend I the “Installing” on my brand new Raspberry Pi 3b - 64 bit. I then followed the directions from Anyone integrated Smartthings into Hassio yet? to try to get my SmartThings hub to connect with my Pi and HA setup.

I’ve gone through the steps over and over, and I still keep seeing an error in the logs of the SmartThings Bridge - Error: Connection refused: Not authorized. When I check the Mosquitto Broker’s log I see the following entries:

Socket error on client , disconnecting.

Can anyone point me in a direction that would show me what I’m missing or doing wrong?

Thank you much!

After going through the directions in the community discussion I posted above, I found out that I was using the wrong destination port in the IP/Mac Address/Port settings on the device created on the SmartThings IDE “My Devices”. Once I changed the port I was able to connect and things are working now.