So, as my SD card became corrupt (3rd one) im starting my install from ground up.
Stretch lite installed and updated etc onto a Pi3 (original)
The Pi will be primarily used to host HA and a plex server.
Which install would you experts recommend?
I was previously using the virtual env. method, but I am intrigued by Docker (as in zero knowledge as of writing this)
Pros and cons of each?
And finally, can I simply git clone my repo to the new and empty home assistant dir to restore everything?
I recently wrote a blog article on how to setup Home Assistant on an empty RPi3 using Docker. It’s in German only, but if you simple copy the commands from the grey boxes, you should have it running in less than 10 minutes.
Just discard the line where it says: “mkdir home-assistant” and git clone your repo to “home-assistant” directory instead.
Oh and by the way: You RPi3 is capable of booting from a USB stick. Since I switched from SD-Cards to USB sticks, no file system corruption has happened.
RPi3 does not support any other boot media than SD card unless USB booting has been enabled. This is not applicabable to the new RPI3+ model which - to my knowledge - comes with USB (and PXE) boot enabled by default.
It is, but the Raspberry needs to complete a boot process with this parameter being present before it will support USB (or PXE) boot. The change is permanent, after enabling, the SD card is no longer required.