Trying to integrate my Bravia TV into Home Assistant, in the past I had it setup as a media player and used the turn_on_action parameter to send a WOL packet to turn it on, however, with the new Bravia integration I don’t seem to have the option of specifying a custom power on command, and the power on action integrated into the Home Assistant entity doesn’t do anything (I can see in the logs it’s trying to do a POST to the TV’s IP and is timing out).
Any way to set Home Assistant to use Wake On LAN to turn on my TV?
I use Node Red to turn on my Sony Bravia.
I had to setup the pre shared key on the bravia, and also had to turn on Simple IP Control and Control4 and Control Remotely in the settings.
Not sure if HA uses the psk or not.
So on my Bravia, this is how I had to setup
•Settings > Network & Internet> Remote device settings >Control remotely > On
•Settings > Network & Internet> Home network > IP Control > Authentication > Normal and Pre-Shared Key
•Settings > Network & Internet> Home network > IP Control > Pre-Shared Key > Enter 4 digit number for you PSK
•Settings > Network & Internet> Home network > IP Control > Simple IP Control > On
•Settings > Network & Internet> Home network > IP Control > Control4 > On
EDIT: I don’t use WOL to turn on my bravia, send it a turn on command. If you enable remote control, I think you should be able to use HA to turn on your bravia without needing WOL
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll have a look at the settings on the TV once I get home.
It’s interesting, once the TV is turned on, Home Assistant has full control of it; i.e. I can change inputs and channels, it just seems to go into a state where it stops responding to the network once I power it off.
My TV settings were slightly different, but the key was to enable Simple IP control, once I did that I was able to power the TV on from Home Assistant. Thanks for the tip!
I do not think that your TV is different… It was very annoying that The power ON does not work but I found the doc about that:
BRAVIA Professional Display supports Wake-on-LAN (WoL). When it is in standby mode, it can’t receive REST API nor IRCC-IP commands because the HTTP server is not running. Then if you want to use it, you have to turn on it first by using Wake-on-LAN.
Send the WoL magic packet several times until REST API/IRCC-IP is enabled.
In “Normal mode”, you need to call the setPowerStatus REST API to turn the BRAVIA Professional Display on after REST API is available because the BRAVIA Professional Display does NOT switch to the “Screen On” state automatically with the Wake-on-LAN.
In “Pro mode”, the BRAVIA Professional Display will switch to the “Screen On” state automatically with the Wake-on-LAN, but you need to send the WoL magic packet several times until REST API is enabled.
You can retrieve the MAC address by calling the [getSystemInformation] REST API so that you can prepare the Wake-on-LAN magic packet dynamically.
The Wake-on-LAN is disabled by default. It’s necessary to enable it if you want to use it.
[Home] Settings
Remote start’On’ [Default: Off]
So the aim is to use Simple IP Control as you did then it’s fine… It is possible to power-on with REST API/IRCC-IP but you need to send WoL packet until the HTTP server is on…
With Simple IP control… no issue.