BREL or Somfy

There is no solution for this :frowning:

Hi did you already find a solution @Himdola ?

If do the following in node red.

The msgtype heartbeat (in the debug window) also shows you the token, just wait for it it will show every 30 to 60 seconds.
If you use a motor with the remote, it will show you the mac of that motor and all the other data.

Hope this helps.

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Problem not solved. Do i need to add msg.payload only and connect it to the json? I dont really understand where i can check or add the msgtype.

ok, i have now added this but nothing to see on the right pane by debug.

It can take up to 60 seconds

For safety reasons, I deleted my token and part of the hub mac address.

Make sure that the brel hub and node red install are on the same subnet. and that all the devices are added via the Brel app

I will try it, let you know.

Perhaps this intergration migth also work Motion Blinds - Home Assistant

And if anybody knows how to interpert the batterystatus I like to know, It seem so send the values in Volt
but I am more interested in percentage.

I couldn’t get it working with the motion blinds integration. (I didn’t try to figure out why). As IP I provided the IP of the DD7002. The key is retreived from the android app (Thanks to Brel support).
Tap 5 times on the rightside of the photo place (4th tab).

P.S. i’m able to pick up the UDP traffic in node red. So communication between the hub and HA seems ok.
Edit: typo’s

I’ve got the integration working, it gives me 3 entities per blind. up/down, signal strength, and battery status. Missing the positions though.
Have it working in Node red as well, where I can see the positions. One of the problems I have in Node red is how to query for the states. That is not working as described.
When query with the app, also get the states in Node red.

The other odd thing is that with the app, integration or Node red. I have to send sometimes multiple requests before a screen reacts.

In my case, the motion integraton seems to send out a “discover”
{“msgType”: “GetDeviceList”, “msgID”: “20210818195445393”}

And a reply comes in,

However this arrives in nodered, on the some host and IP. But the motion blinds plugin doesn’t seem to register, or doesn’t know how to handle.

If the integration is working with your Brel, what is your fw version? Also, A0.8.4.0_B0.1.4
Regards, Arjan

Edit, I upgraded now to FW: A1.0.2_B01.4. Once i have time i’ll have an other go.

I’m on version A1.0.2_B01.4

Just tried. Still nog working.
Some homework to do i guess. P.S. the node red flows, are thety in the flowlibary? Or not? I searched but could not find them.



Another update on this topic: via the Brel site there’s now a manual on how to use the motors with homeassistant (and node red), it’s in Dutch but google translate should help.

manual BREL home with homeassistant

Will test this in a few months when I have my shutters :grinning:

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I wrote and maintain the Motion Blinds integration.
The Motion Blinds integration schould work with Brel blinds both through directly connecting to the blind if it supports WiFi or through 433Mhz using the DD7002B Brel-Home box or D1554 Brel Home USB plug.
It will be able to control and read the actual position from the motor for bi-directional blinds and control the blinds for uni-direction blinds.

Please let me know if there are any problems/issues with the Motion Blinds integration.
If you appreciate my work please consider sponsoring my project: GitHub - starkillerOG/motion-blinds: Python library for interfacing with Motion Blinds

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Hi @WilfredM Did you test it? And does it work well? I’m also looking into some Brel motors for my new shutters, and HA integration is a must (off course :slight_smile: )

hey richard - can you tell i have only positive experiences with brel motor/hub. Have been using them for a number of roller blinds for about half a year and it works fine; both the integration with google home and Home assistant.

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Works great with the motion blinds integration (written by starkillerOG, also in this thread).

Only annoying thing I experienced was when I shutdown power in my house to work on some lamps, the hub didn’t recognize any of the blinds and I had to add them again (via the Brel app) to the hub. Still needs to test if this always happens or was caused by some other event (eg. by the power outage it took a while for my wifi to reappear)

tested this a bit and it seems it’s not the power outage itself but the fact that my wifi after a power reset is unavailable for a short while when the Brel hub already started. I think that that triggers the problem and resets the hub’s config.