Bresser 7002580 Weather Station and HomeAssistant

Hi everyone, i just installed my new weather station (a Bresser 7002580) with Wi-fi connection and Weather Underground integration… i would like to integrate it to HomeAssistant, has anyone managed to do it?

its always hard to find out what you bought exactly. If you have an app called “WS-view pro” you can share your wheaterdata till a bunch of different wheater-services like wounderground, wheater-observer, ekowitt and a few more.

In this tab you can add your own server (customiced) and when you use the ekowitt integration you get a api-key and can use youer homeassistant server for recording the data without using the cloud. This works fine for me.

If you are looking for more information about your devices its maybe an idear to check FINE OFFSETS website. They are a verry big manufacture of wheaterstation devices - but they are sold under many different brands. Its likly that your Bretter 7002580 is one of those. Its looks simunlar to this one: WN1980 WiFi Color Screen Weather Station with 5-in-1 Sensor - Wifi Weather Station - 999Fine Offset Electronics

Some bresser weatherstations use the esp8266 chip, that can be flashed.

See this topic from tasmota:

I’m curious what chip is in de 7002580 weathersation