Bresser weather station rain statistics

Hi! I have a question regarding the rain statistics of my Bresser weather station that I conneced like described here: Heltec Bresser weatherstation - #22 by DigiH

The rain value I get is the total rain value. I found something regarding the statistics here:

Is it possible to get that other values as well? Not only the total amount?

Have you seen this? Bresser weather

No, didnt see that. But now that I saw it, unfortunately it does not help me… The entities of my Bresser weather station appear in MQTT, linked is another way, if I understood right…

Show the world what you see, so we can see it too😉

This is what I see:

How did you add the entities or have they been added via Auto discovery? I don’t know this Bresser but if I do understand you have this MQTT Gateway.

Normally you could just copy the content of the file I’ve posted above and paste it into your configuration.yaml
After a restart all entities should appear…
Otherwise you have to adjust the MQTT topics for each entity

The entities were added by Auto discover. I could not find an option to add different entities. Someone now told me, there is no other value than rain_mm and all other values have to be calculated. I will have a closer look at that way. TY!

Install the addon Mqtt explorer, there you can see, which raw values your device sends, then you can add them manually, maybe just not all are configured for auto discovery…