Brighness in a scene

i’m trying to make a scene in Home Assistent

  • name: Romantic
    light.hue_color_lamp_2: true
    state: true
    xy_color: [0.33, 0.66]
    brightness_pct: 100

  • name: Reading
    light.hue_color_lamp_2: true
    state: true
    xy_color: [0.33, 0.66]
    brightness_pct: 30

But it seems brightness does not work,

Can someone help me?

use just brightness

Tried that also, but also not working.

it should. I use it in a over dozen scenes right now.

Does your light support brightness settings? Is your yaml formatted correctly? we can’t tell the way you have it currently posted.

Yes, the lights support brightness, i can manual dim them.

Read the big blue banner at the top of the page and follow the instructions so we can help you.

when you say manually dim do you mean via a dimmer switch? or an app?

Via HomeKit and via the sliders in home-assistent

are you using the correct entities?

The lights turn on, but with the last brightness. So i think i use the richt entitys