Brightness not saving when transition is enabled - goes to 1 when switched off

I hope someone can help me here, I have already created an issue in GitHub. Brightness not saving when transition is enabled - goes to 1 when switched off · Issue #25925 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub

I have bound an ubisys c4 and a Philips downlight direct in zigbee2mqtt. I have activated transition. When I turn off the light with the C4 and turn it on again, everything works. But when I turn off the light via Home Assistant, I see that the brightness goes to 1 and when I then turn on the light with the C4, the brightness is at 1.
It works without Transition. Does anyone have an idea or a workaround?

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Same problem here since a few weeks ago, a few of my light bulbs go down to 1% or 0% brightness when powered on and off and I can’t find the problem.

Which ZigBee2MQTT version do you use?

I currently have the 2.0.0