Bring calendar-card back

Hi All,

After update to 0.115x the developer put calendar-card in archive… :frowning:

Maybe lots of people use this add-on and want it back like me?
I like this more then the calendar part of HA itself.

If you want this back leave a message, maybe we can show the developer that his add-on is great!


Yes please, it is much more configurable the HA one…

Absolutely, the HA one has a way to go before it catches up with calendar-card!

Yes, miss it now already!

Yes please. Prefer this card to the HA panel.

Definitely, built-in one is useless for my needs, @ljmerza’s card was perfect as it was :cry:

Hopefully we’ll see some modifications to this card rather quickly. In the meantime, you can fork and then use your own repository in hacs

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Thank you, HACS broke on updating to 0.118 so I had to restore and lost this in the process, your tip had it back again in moments :+1: