Bring in Current State of the entity when creating new autotmations based on states

One of the big things that gets me when building automation is that i never know if my entity is an on/off closed/open, 0/8, or any other possible option… it would be nice if when you selected an entity when building an automation, if it would bring in the current state.

Recently I ran into an issue with my shelly on my garage door when I know it doesn’t do an open/closed, but I think it does an on/off, but I don’t know if on is open or off is open. It was a bit of a pain to figure it out, and to test the automation. It would have been nice to just add the entity and see it’s current state, so that I could quickly set the changed state value.

You can always see the current state in the States menu.


Sure, but that is one more click/tab, and then a search for the entity and then going back to your old tab and remembering what you were doing.

I’m just saying it would be a nice feature if when you selected the entity in the automation, for it to auto bring in the current state. I’m unsure how hard of an ask that is, but it would be cool/useful (I think).

It would be even better if there was a way to see all possible states of an entity without delving into the source.

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In theory the automation editor has had that for a while now, but in reality it’s more hit and miss, and mostly miss.

Or give the condition a color, green true , red not true. You already see if a trigger is triggered by coloring it blue.