I have Brink climate system expanded with the Brink Home eModule / iModule. It would be very nice to be able to integrate this module into Home Assistant.
Probably those modules are made in by Polish company TECH Sterowniki Sp. they use eModule. I use a floorheating controller from Robot ( Dutch) but it’s produced in Poland under different name.
I did intergrated it in homeassistant following instructions on this link.
Is it all ready working?
What I had with the EModule is that is is sometimes difficult to get it online. I did notice that if you remove your controller from the emodule account and then activate it again, it did work.
And if you have a Problem to connect it to the internet on WiFI, you could try to put your WIFi router on a different channel.
The module I have don’t want to communicate on channel 6, but works fine on channel 1 or 11
The eModule works fine but I needed to add a SSID without any special characters. (like underscore etc.) As far as the integration with Home Assistant I have no news. There is no integration yet and if you ask me, I think nobody is interested in developing this.
Is it really needed to use a cloud account? The app also supports “local”, could we not use that method to integrate it? Or does the device just push everything to their servers, the end?
I can’t try it because my new house is still being built, but I’ve been informed it will use one of these units, no choice possible :S
I tried to research but it was really hard because, theirs app is build with xamarin, which complicates this a lot, so I just wanted a quick solution which was easier with cloud API. If someone would contribute and do this it would be really good
@samuolis I noticed that you already released some updates, thanks for the effort. I own a Brink Renovent Sky 300 and it works also for that unit.
I’m not really in to the programming, but is it also possible to import al the value’s of the units which are available if you log in through www.brink-home.com. If I log in with my Brink account I see al the parameters (Airflow in, airflow out, outside temp, inside temp Humidity, status of the bypass valve) a lot more the trough the app. It would be a big benefit if that would be possible.
But again, for now it’s allready a big step forwards.
I encountered a bug, everytime I set the level to 1 (within home assistant or any other way) it switched to level 2 after a few seconds. It stopped when I disabled the integration.
After enabling it, this behaviour hasnt reoccures yet. Dunno what triggered it.
Edit: Nvm, it was caused by something else.