Broadlink air conditioner control synchronising with Broadlink app

I have a Broadlink RM4 Mini that controls the air conditioner in my Office.
I have the Broadlink app on my phone that allows me to control the A/C as well as run routines

I also have a Sensibo Sky device in my bedroom (which is about 3 times the price)

The advantage of the Sensibo is that If I control the A/C with either the original remote, the Sensibo app on my phone or the Home Assistant thermostat card all are synchronised.

Why do I run routines on the Broadlink App /cloud. Well just recently my Home Assistant was off the air due to a crash with supervisor and I needed to control my Office A/C so I went to the cloud and I liked the way they used rising and dropping temperatures in their routines. However this does not update the Thermostat Card in HA.

Before I shell out the $$ to buy another Sensibo I thought I would ask the question as to whether it was possible to synchronise the Broadlink device? Yes If I create automations in HA the it synchronises back to the Broadlink cloud but that does not achieve my other goal of not being dependent on HA for this A/C.
My Office contains all my IT equipment.

Anyone have any thoughts?