Broadlink and Wi-Fi

I am looking at the Broadlink RM Mini. Right now just trying to understand it’s use and see if I get it.

So in my house I have a TV in the family room and an XBox and Denon receiver in another room in a cabinet.

Today I use a Harmony infered / RF remote to control turning on the TV with IR and then using RF to access blasters in the other room to control the XBox and Denon.

What I’m assuming is I would setup a Broadlink RM Mini in the family room and program it with basic TV commands. Then add another Broadlink RM Mini into the other room and program it with all the Denon and XBox commands.

With both connected to the WI-Fi, assuming from what I read this connects to the Wi-Fi, I could control both units with HA commands with a virtual remote of sorts?

Assume I do not need RF because this thing would be managed thru Wi-Fi and I do not have any physical RF devices?



Everything you say looks correct, except the last sentence is confusing - you still use RF. The RM Mini is an RF blaster and your TV, XBox and Denon are physical RF devices.

Having said that… If you have a Harmony Hub, it can be controlled from the internet (eg. using IFTTT), and there are components to control an XBox over your network (although I’ve had problems). Depending on your Denon, it may have the same capability, meaning you many not need any/all of the RM Minis.

The RM mini is not RF. I think you mean IR, or I’m very confused.

I think OP is correct. You can communicate with the RM mini completely over wifi.

Technically my XBox and Denon are IR devices but I have a Harmony One remote or 900 I forget the model with an RF receiver in the other room that has IR blasters attached to it to manage the devices in the other room. Oh and should clarify this is an XBox 360 noticed I didn’t put that in there.

I do have the Denon setup thru HA already. The TV is a late edition Panasonic TC-P50S1 so has no connectivity.

EDIT: I think the other thing that would be nice is awareness of the state of devices. If memory serves when I had setup one of the other opensource automation servers with Harmony hubs the server remembered the state of a device on or off. I’ve since returned the Harmony hubs but remember it knowing what was on or not.

I have both a Broadlink RM Mini and Broadlink RM Pro+ and both work well with HA. The RM Pro can learn and send RF and IR signals where the RM mini is only IR as you point out.

Both work over WiFi and can learn IR/RF commands over WiFi too.

I decided to get one of each as the RF may come in handy at some point… I’m using the RM Pro to control a Luminoodle outside and a few cheap wall plugs I had from a hardware store. Their Broadlink app leaves a lot to be desired… For learning commands and programming HA config I would suggest you use this app; makes it super easy

HA can remember the state of the switches i.e. if you turn the TV on HA will show it as on. Though state management can be a pain… Best way to add state to ir/rf devices

Haha yes, you’re right of course. I was typing RF, but I was thinking IR.

Here’s another question if known. So what is going to end up happening here is:

  1. I will have my current Harmony 900 with RF support and IR blasters available to the household. They can turn things on and off with it.

  2. I will also have either the Harmony Hub or Broadlink device available for anyone using a phone or tablet or computer to manage the TV thru HA.

Will there be awareness between the Harmony 900 and HA of the state of devices in this situation?

If not, what about this:

  1. Replace my entire setup with a Harmony Harmony Hub for the family room to control the TV
  2. A Harmony Hub in the other room to control the XBox and Denon,
  3. A Harmony Remote that works with the Harmony Hub

Will everything work together and HA and Harmony know what state the devices are in?
