Broadlink BestCon RM4C Pro (0x6184)

I have Broadlink BestCon RM4C Pro (0x6184), it is IR and RF gateway, but now this model is not supported.

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.broadlink.config_flow] Unsupported device: 0x6184. If it worked before, please open an issue at

Firmware: v52078

Are there any plans to add this model?

I found similar topics at github, but about 0x6026 (core/issues/42839, core/issues/42433).

Also purchase this model and realized that it wasn’t supported. Hope this would be added in the list of supported device.

Temporary method to resolve is described in video from Alex Kvazis

  • Find an ID of model in logs, for ex. for us it is 0x6184
  • Using ssh (for supervised instance on raspbian) exec command: docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash
  • Than go to catalog: cd /./usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/broadlink
  • Trying to edit file: vi
  • To switch to edit mode, enter i
  • And insert string 0x6184: (rm4pro, "RM4 pro", "Broadlink"), into SUPPORTED TYPES. It is important to keep the layout rules, commas, etc.
  • To exit the editor and save: press esc > type :w to save > type :q! to exit
  • Enter the command exit to exit the container
  • Reboot HA
  • Now can try to connect to RM4C Pro again

Important: any updates for Broadlink plugin will reset this modification. And will need to repeat the procedure again.


can you make the PR to fix in the next release?