Hi Paolo. Thank you very much! Are you sure that 0x6111 is a sp4 and not sp4b? I am asking for confirmation because of the PID, which seems to be in a different range, but I don’t doubt it, I just want to make sure everything will be ok when I add it.
The file is in the docker, the first command I wrote.
To discover the code devices you should analyze the network traffic data with a tool. It is easiest to put all the codes in the “init.py” and after HA reboot the devices are available.
I just wanted to hop in with few tutorial steps to help you as, I have tinkered with this for quite some time and finally managed to get it working.
First get ssh to you home assistant command line (CLI) by installing “SSH & Web Terminal” add-on from supervisor and disable the last option “Protection mode” (without disabling protection mode you won’t be able to access docker!)
Next, in command line input first: docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash
Docker will start (with bash-5.0#) and inside input: vi /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/broadlink/__init__.py (here it is important to edit file __init__.py with two underscores before and after init).
vi text edit will open and go down (with up/down keyboard arrows) to Supported devices and start typing somewhere around “sp4” device. You need to get a hang on typing in vi if you havent already, try if enter (new line) works etc. The insert lines: (no need to find any device id and as far as I know these numbers are just something to get device recognized and associated with already supported wifi switches)
Then press ESC (to exit editing mode and start command mode) and then while still in vi type: :wq (which stands for :(execute) write (or save file) quit (to exit vi) )
Then you can go to Configuration/Server controls and first check if your configuration is valid (this is not necesarry but it is good practice to always check it!) and then restart home assistant. By this moment I hope you have already connected MCB1 to your home network and know the IP address of the device and if so, then go to Integration/+ Add integration and search for Broadlink and use device ip adress as a host ( I don’t know what does timeout means though).