Broadlink integration works until my router is restarted

I have a Broadlink RM Mini 3 with firmware 44057 that is integrated in Home Assistant (core-2021.7.4) and it is working right for controlling my HVAC.

Everytime I restart my router (Asus with AsusWrt Merlin firmware), the integration gets broken: in Home Assistant UI → Configuration → Integrations appears the message Retrying setup: [Errno -4000] Network timeout. I tried disabling and re-enabling the integration, restarting HA… but it always stays the same. The only solution is to delete and re-add the integration. This solves the problems until the router is restarted again.

A ping to the Broadlink device from the Home Assistant machine always works. The Broadlink official app also works.

I’ve simulated a lost of WiFi connection, without restarting the router, by disabling my 2.4Ghz network. In this case, the RM Mini stops working as expected, but the integration do not show any error message. After restoring the WiFi connection, the device also starts working again and no error message is shown on Home Assistant UI.

Maybe the problem is when both Home Assistant and Broadlink loose connectivity?

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When you add the Broadlink integration you can specify a timeout. Have you tried increasing that?

I tried 5, 15 and even 60 with no luck. Now I have tried with 120 and it works.

Thank you very much @Stiltjack for the clue. :slight_smile:

I’m having the same issue but I can’t seem to find how to change the timeout setting. Could you please tell me how I can change this?

I don’t see it in the interface, but those parameters are in the “.storage” hidden directory, I found them in core.config_entries, for instance :

                "entry_id": "e5df490e0eba11eb9f02ebd15c60985f",
                "version": 1,
                "domain": "broadlink",
                "title": "Chauffage SDB",
                "data": {
                    "host": "",
                    "mac": "34ea34bdbe60",
                    "type": 30023,
                    "timeout": 10
                "options": {},
                "pref_disable_new_entities": false,
                "pref_disable_polling": false,
                "source": "user",
                "unique_id": "34ea34bdbe60",
                "disabled_by": null

Stop HA, edit the file, restart.

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Thank you Ma Dude! Just did this now so I’ll keep my fingers crossed and hopefully this helps. I have notoriously horrid internet stability because that’s just part of being Australian so I have to restart my router fairly regularly. So it was beginning to become a pain to get this integration working each time. The only other solution I had found was to unplug the power from the Broadlink RMPro and then wait 20sec before plugging it back in.

Hopefully this change means I won’t have to do that any longer. Thanks again for responding :smiley: