Is it possible to create a “switch” from only a Broadlink IR code?
I want to make an automation such as:
Turn on a switch (IR code to set the heat pump to 18 degrees) when device tracker gets signal to group.device_tracker = away
Turns off the TV in the living room if group.device_tracker = away
May also be easier for Google Home to understand … “Hey Goorle, turn on / off …”
if I’m going to make an automation like this … how should switch.climate_18_low look like?
- alias: Set climate to 18-low if away
- platform: state
state: 'away'
- service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: switch.climate_18_low
All I got to work with is a code like this:
Thank you @anon43302295 !
Is it possible to send two codes?
if I want to see the Discovery channel then it is number 32 in the channel list. Is it possible to send code for 3 and 2 in one command?