Broadlink IR Media Player (For old, dump TVs)

I’m guessing you are still using the SmartIR component to control the Onkyo receiver, right? To get it’s on/off status into that component you need to have a way of monitoring it. I use a smart plug with power monitoring in the power supply to the receiver. That is all taken care of with the SmartIR component.

Is there any other way.
I don’t want to use smart plug for this.
I have set switch.onkyo to change according to Samsung ping.
With this status changes with tv on/off.

Is there any other way to change status according to switch.onkyo.
I have input_boolean.samsungtv_power_status where the status of switch.onkyo is grabbed.
Please guide.

Well the problem I see there is if you have the receiver turned on without the Samsung TV.

If you are using the new SmartIR component this discussion should really be held there. The Broadlink IR Media Player (this thread) is kind of redundant now, SmartIR is far better.