Broadlink LB27 C1 - device not supported

Hi all,

I’m trying to add the Broadlink LB27 C1 bulbs to home assistant.

Looking at previous articles, it seems that folks have managed to add the LB1, and LB27 R1. Mine is LB27 C1 - non-RGB.

When I go to add the integration manually, enter the IP address of the bulb, I just get the “device not supported”. I was hoping that it’d be mapped and supported as an LB2 - is the problem in the version (C1 vs R1), or potentially I’m doing something else wrong?

I know that Broadlinks Fastcon mesh can screw things up, so I made sure to try this on a separate account. Besides this bulb, I have the RM4 pro (and a couple more of the same bulbs).


Small update - I found that I also have one LB1 at home. That one integrates without problem, but none of the LB27 C1 are visible :frowning: so I guess for whatever reason they don’t get recognized like the LB27 R1’s do.

Is python-broadlink what’s behind homeassistant’s broadlink integration? If that’s the case, the LB27 C1 is not listed as supported there:

@felipediel is my understanding correct? If so, I may try to add support if I find time and it’s not too different than the R1. The device id is 0x6488

Ok, I added 0x6488 to the broadlink init under the LB1, and it works.

Can this device be committed to the github package also?

Thanks :slight_smile: