Broadlink.learn no more available?

I use the Broadlink device since years to control some devices. I also added some new commands in the past years. But today with HA 0.114.4 I can no longer see bridling.learn in services. Documentation still mention this but I can not see the command. Did there change anything I miss maybe?

Mine is still there

After the last update, I don’t see the broadlink.learn nor .send services in dev tools.

BUT… I can call the service nonetheless. It just doesn’t autocomplete.

And all automations and scripts and components using my RM Mini 3 still work.

I just don’t get the autocomplete right now.

On 0.114.4 it says services not found broadlink.learn when I just try to send it. What exact do you enter?

Sorry for the delay. I just enter broadlink.learn and include host: ip-address in the data.

Can you share your configuration for the broadlink device?

Have you tried this method

I run it on my pc and it’s much easier and I find more accurate