BROADLINK: Platform .broadlink NOT FOUND! (HA 0.82 on Raspi pi3 stretch update 2018-11)

Dear All
I have Home assistant on raspi pi 3 good working… I have buy a BroadLink RM mini 3
I have added following line in the configuration.yaml:

# BroadLinkRMmini3  : TV SAMSUNG ##########
  - platform: broadlink
    name: 'TV salotto'
    host: # My BroadLinkRMmini3 Fixed IP.
    ircodes_ini: '/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/Broadlink_TV_Samsung.ini'
    ping_host:  # My Samsung TV Fixed IP.

Checking the configuration with Web UI interface, I receive:

Configurazione non valida
Platform not found: media_player.broadlink

Could someone help me??

Sorry, thought you meant the switch module, didn’t realise there was a media_player component.

Have you put it in the correct folder?

Are the permissions in those folders correct for HA to read them?

as far as i know there is no broadlink media player. i’m not even sure how that would even work since all the broadlink does is send rf/ir commands.

There’s one here, I hadn’t heard of it either, nor have I used it.