Broadlink RF. Problems with work

Hi all!
We encountered a problem with Broablink. There are curtains in the house that work via an RF signal. The problem is that it works extremely unstable. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, I can’t achieve 100% success.

Or I configure everything to work, but after a while I have to change the service:remote.send_command parameters in order to get all devices to respond, but again, this is temporary.

Sometimes turning off the on/off switch in the Broadlink integration helps. Sometimes not. it feels like the signals are somehow superimposed on each other and the end device does not receive the correct code.

I thought about it. Maybe it’s a matter of a coordinated setup approach when working with multiple devices?

*- service: remote.send_command*
*    data:*
*      num_repeats: 1*
*      device: curtain_1*
*      command: open*
*    target:*
*      entity_id: remote.main*
*  - delay:*
*      hours: 0*
*      minutes: 0*
*      seconds: 2*
*      milliseconds: 0*

Friends! Share your experience if you have encountered such a problem!))

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Hey there! I have the same exact problem. All my codes worked fine except one, decided to relearn it, then another one started acting up, relearned it and then… None of them worked… I tried learning them as a device and as an entity, didn’t change anything.
Also my script sends the command 2 to 3 times even though I didn’t set a repeat…
Sometimes the code works by just sending the command through the service, sometimes the scripts works, sometimes the button works but most times nothing works. It’s just so unreliable…
Maybe it’s the placement of the RM4 pro? Or as you said some kind of interference? I saw it was possible to learn the codes thought the broadlink app and then copy/paste them into HA, maybe that would work if somehow the app learns the codes better than HA?