Broadlink RM mini 3 home assistant

If you’re running Windows I’d recommend you start by using Broadlink Manager This is referenced above as well for the record. Using that it will spit out hex and Base64 encoded commands that it records for each button. You want to use the Base64 output for your scripts. Always make sure it has “==” at the end and add it if it doesn’t have it. It’s my understanding that’s required, but I honestly never verified it because there are a number of posts here that indicate that it’s required so I’ve just always done so!

Once you have some/all of your button commands mapped for some/all of your remotes then you can start creating scripts to use those mapped buttons. For example, to turn my TV on or off…

  alias: TV
    - service: broadlink.send
        host: !secret rm_mini_ip

In my case I generally just use that by telling Alexa, “Turn [on|off] the TV” at that point. You could also call it via an automation if you so desire.

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Thanks for the answers - unfortunately i have no Windows in the house, i’ll try once my girlfriend has her Surface around.

I saw that there is a way of calling the “learn” service in HA, however that is not working for me. Any ideas?

About the scrips: So i have to write such a script for every single command i want the broadlink to send out? And where do these scrips go? In the config.yaml, or in the “script” section in Hassio? If the latter, do i put them all in one file?

In the end I want to be able to trigger actions from within node-red, using inputs from the Google Actions API, so that i can tell Google Home that i want to watch a movie and it’l trigger the Node-Red flow to set the lighting scene, close the blinds, start my beamer and fire up the audio system. (I know this could probably all be done from within HA scripts, but NR is a thousand times more intuitive for me than scripting)