Broadlink RM-PRO and A1 sensor

I confirmed the issue, I heve a Broadlink A1 multi sensor, all the sensors’ data sometimes extremely high.

Same issue here. It happens once or twice a week and just reboot HA and back to normal reading.

You are lucky, mine went to 600

So is an issue of the component software?

Hi Daniel, just wondering if its possible to get S1C to work in HA? Is there any API for that and will you able to help to integrate it, many thanks.


you should put the ‘sensor’ file has 130+ lines, it will shows in the github RAW mode) in the /srv/hass/hass_venv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/components/sensor Directory.

and put the ‘switch’ (this file has 260+ lines) in the /srv/hass/hass_venv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/components/switch

Someone have to add support for it to the library we are using first:

Hi, now that I have broadlink rm pro working great, I have more philosophical questions :yum: :

Broadlink rm learns and plays back commands, so it’s much more than a switch, so it will be great if we can call “broadlink commands” from other components. First thing coming to mind are my RF blinders : they have 3 commands : open/close/stop so it’s not suitable for the switch component (there’s also my generic IR heater with on/off/speed fan1/2/3/heat0/1/2, but it’s obviously taunting me :smiley: ).
Of course, I can use the command_line cover to play codes with a few python scripts. It works great, but integration wise it’a a little off…

So, Did I miss something and is it already possible? If not, do you think it’s a good idea considering home assistant architecture?


with recent built the learning command for RF is not working

Which version are you using?

Not sure, I think 5065

Of Homeassistant? You should use the latest version of Broadlink component from the dev version or wait for the next release

which is the latest version?
I have HASS 0.35.3

That is the latest release, but these fixes
will be included in the next release.

Replying to save the post and understand if this’ll get support for TC2 Wall Switches. I do have both switches and hub so if there’s need to test anything, I’m available :slight_smile:

SO is a hardware issue?

still having from Crypto.Cipher import AES
ImportError: No module named ‘Crypto’ error how to solve?

It should be fixed in the next release

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Any chance you can provide some sample code how can I configure the Air Quality to be shown as text and not as number? I can’t figure out how to specify the value_template. Thanks!

@oliverdog @Danielhiversen @anon35356645
How did you overcome problem of long codes and short codes?
My switches have more chances of responding to long codes but with long codes, the code is repeated sometimes twice as they support only toggle function thereby,making it seem that it did not work.(as toggle code is sent twice)