Install Linux
I went from Windows, not the best experience, to an old Mac Mini, perfect but not the best support, using up kit I had lying about but ended up biting the bullet and getting a Pi because there’s always someone out there who’s been there or done that.
I have an A1 sensor that stops reporting temp in homeassistant (temp gets stuck) but there are no errors in my log. Sometimes after a short period, others it has lasted up to a week. A restart of homeassistant gets it working again.
Anyone else seen the same. My A1 is used to control heating so this is obviously causing me some trouble!
Yes, I was used to face the same problem, it was suddenly stopping send temp, hum and all sensors values… and a restart on HASS always fixed the problem, until 0.54 update, after that the problem is gone (I am still on 0.54). I still have this problem with a SP-Mini AC power switch… it stops working and a HASS restart is enough…
Install python 3.5.* and install this:
Pycrypto will install with no problem.
Hi guys,
I am trying to connect my Broadlink rm03( or rm pro plus) to homeassistant.
Here is my configuration.yaml
- platform: broadlink
host: xxx
mac: 'xxx'
friendly_name: "altavoces"
friendly_name: "Pablo luz blanca"
command_on: 'xxxx'
After rebooting my raspberry, at the home assistant log and when I try to use one switch:
ERROR (Thread-5) [homeassistant.components.switch.broadlink] Failed to connect to device
Any idea?? Thanks for your time!!
Check your formatting it looks a bit off to me, indentation is always 2 spaces, when the formatting is correct we can look for other errors - you should add some “==” to the end of the command_on/off so it becomes AAA==’. Let us know how all that goes
Hi Keith!
Thanks por replying! Formatting fixed up:
- platform: broadlink
host: xxxx
mac: 'xxxxx'
friendly_name: "Luz Blanca"
But the same error
Are the IP Addr and Mac correct? And correctly formatted …
You have looked in the router to see if it’s actually online or tried to ping it?
You could take out all switches bar the first one and see if that makes a difference.
Other than that it might be something else above this code that’s causing a problem.
Problem solved!!!
I tried to ping it with mi pc connected to ethernet and it didn’t work. Then, I pinged it with my mobiile phone and it worked. So I came to the conclusion that something is wrong sending packages by ethernet. I have configured my raspberry to use it by wifi and everything works perfect! Thank you very much for your help
Hehe yep RM Pro doesn’t have an wired ethernet connection
I’ve just purchased RM pro+ (in eControl or ihc it said RM pro+), with mac 34:ea:34:42…, and it seems I cannot get the temperature sensor to work, at least I always get 0 value
First question would be, I don’t see home temp info on the AC display (on eControl on the right side next to AC temp) like the one shown on broadlink website, why is that ?
Second question would be, probably RM pro+ is not the same as RM pro ? In the box it said RM03, please advice.
Thank you.
I bought mine about 18months ago and it didn’t come with a temp sensor, so I don’t know what could be wrong, have you tried updating the firmware or the e-control app?
to get broadlink rm pro or other model of broadlink that has the temperature. Once you have done this you also can make it as climate together with your aircon
- platform: broadlink
- 'temperature'
I did this by following this topic, it shown on the Overview as 0 celcius.
@keithh666 I think I did, it shown current version v52
here is the relevant part on my conf:
# other sensors here, I don't copy them
# Kids room RM Pro+
- platform: broadlink
name: RM Kids Room
update_interval: 60
#timeout: 15
mac: '34ea3442ed56'
- temperature
# Living room RM Pro+
- platform: broadlink
name: RM Living Room
update_interval: 60
#timeout: 15
mac: '34ea3442eb99'
- temperature
The mac address format, I’ve tried with : and without it just like above, its the same.
And here’s my e-Control ss:
The mac has to have the colons and mine are all uppercase.
Tried that, its the same, I saw the auto discovery log of my yeelight, the mac is lower case without colon so I figure here is the same, but anyway, for now I will test with colon and uppercase
I just tested with CLI from and I’m using hassbian 1.31 on pi3
I ran this:
and I got:
# broadlink_cli --type 0x2712 --host --mac 99eb4234ea34
Device file data (to be used with --device @filename in broadlink_cli) :
0x2712 99eb4234ea34
# broadlink_cli --type 0x2712 --host --mac 56ed4234ea34
Device file data (to be used with --device @filename in broadlink_cli) :
0x2712 56ed4234ea34
and then I ran this:
./broadlink_cli --type 0x2712 --host --mac 56ed4234ea34 --sensors
and I got this:
temperature 0.0
Did my device hav temperature sensor but not working properly ? Or is it the lib not working for RM pro+ ?
Ok, this could be it:
RM Pro+ doesn’t hav temperature sensor, I hope someone can confirm it, thanks
As the owner of an RMPro with the sensor, I say it’s not a big deal. The sensor is too enclosed and near heat generating components, it’s always off by several degrees, usually between +2 and +5, compared with a nearby Honeywell thermostat. Too unreliable to be used for climatization.