Broadlink RM PRO Learn Command - Packet AAAAAAAAA

Hi Everyone

I’ll start by saying I’m very new to this, doing alot of reading and trying to learn but I’m stumped with this one.

I’m trying to setup my RM PRO and RF sockets in I think I’ve manage to get the Broadlink RM Pro added (I can see the Learn commands etc in the developers services). I’ve successfully added one of the RF sockets and learned the on command.

The problem I am encountering is when trying to learn the “off command” or any other new command for that matter is returned “packet received AAAAAAAAA” instead of the proper RF code.

For the life of me I can’t get any other RF codes learned :frowning:

Any help, tips or suggestions would be great!

Thanks All


I do find the learn command in home assistant only really works directly after you restart home assistant and then only for a few goes.

Maybe try this add on. Haven’t used it myself yet

Try with this

Wow! Thanks folks for the quick replies! Let me check that out.

I have also found that the HA learning call is a bit flaky. I found that the first call fails, 2nd call seems to work but i then have to call something else or otherwise i 3rd call freezes the server instance

The recommendation works like a dream!

Tomer thanks for this
can i use this tool to manually assignee RF code to a a specific key, meaning copy and past codes
like this one

i wan to use the keys i get get from here, but i cant find a way to maualy copy and past to broaddlink key …any ideas

I don’t understand what you mean. Can you explain?