Broadlink rm Pro

I have my rm pro set this way in my config.yaml,

- platform: broadlink
  mac: (redacted)
  friendly_name: The Remote
  type: rm2_pro_plus

however when I use the ‘call service’ option in developer tools > services, (switch.broadlink_learn_command_192_168_0_25) the rm pro does not go into learn mode at all, ip address/ mac address are both correct.

I have tried doing the service cal directly after a restart of hassio as recommended in another post but still no luck
log returns -
Failed to connect to device, timeout
16:09 components/switch/ (ERROR)

Anyone hav any suggestions?

Is your MAC in single quotes?
That’s the only difference I can see from my setup.

yes it is (thanks anyway)

i had problems with this and it doesn’t work with RF anyway so ended up googling for some of the codes like my xbox and used

For the rest.

how to know host address and mac address?

The simple way is to use Fing app from play store.

Stupid question… is it the IP and MAC of the Broadlink or of the router? “Host” is not very descriptive :slight_smile:

It is the IP/MAC address of the Broadlink that is needed as that is the host (if HA does not know the IP /MAc address of the Broadlink component it cannot talk to it) :wink: