Broadlink RM very slow in issuing command HASS 107.1

Hi, when I issue a command (RF switches from Broadlink) from the Broadlink app is normally very fast.

When I issue the same command from HASSIO the command is executed with huuuge delay, like 10-20 seconds, is random

Nothing in log, all other functions in HASSIO are same speed as always (fast).

Anyone else experiencing this? Any hints?

Hi Klagio,

I have the same problem at my house running 107.7 but have been experiencing it for quite a while now.
Funny thing is, that in the other house where i have a identical setup (RM2 Pro, RPi4, hassio 107.7) this is working just fine.
I’ve replaced the RM since i had a spare and there’s no change.
Whem i send the signal manually it’s fired right away, when i call it with the switch it takes a while.
What i have found in my logs is:

Logger: homeassistant.components.broadlink.switch
Source: components/broadlink/
Integration: broadlink (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 21:43:48 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 21:43:48

Timeout during authorization

Have a look here, maybe it could help:


So the “Turning it off and on” didn’t do the trick for me.
But a workaround could be using a script with the broadlink.send function. It works for me.


Hi thanks,

I did not understand what’s the solution. I have a NUC, i can reboot it, but didn’t understand turn on off and script???

Hi, the part about turning off and on was from the like i’ve sent before, it was a solution there, but seams not to solve my problem.
The workaround i’m suggesting is to use a script instead of a switch.
In settings, you have automations, scripts and so on. If you configure a script to call the “broadlink.send” function and attach your code, it will send the command immediately.
Then you can use eather the script directly to control whatever you need to control or you can use is in a switch.


Hi tried but not working, is your script as below

  alias: Guest room wall OFF
  - data:
    service: broadlink.send

Hi, yap mine looks just like yours. But does the trick in my case.
When you execute it, does it do something with the delay or nothing happens?

nothing happens, but now nothing happens also with the switch. But perfectly working with e-control app

What happened with this Broadlink integration??

Was working fine for years now on HASSIO, just recently started having problems.

I should file a bug report, but nor sure how to

that’s in the log

2020-03-25 11:05:03 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.components.broadlink.switch] Failed to connect to device

2020-03-25 11:11:50 ERROR (SyncWorker_11) [homeassistant.components.broadlink.switch] Timeout during authorization

There must be something fishy with both our installations.
I’ve recently backed up all my stuff on a pi3 and moved to pi4. Now i’ve used the old pi for a new install and tested the broadlink RM. It works like a charm

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what can we do?

Perhaps eliminate the switch in configuration, eliminate the log, restart or reboot, redo the switch in configuration and rebbot/restart (anything else??)

WIll try that in the following days.

I would move away from Broadlink, but I have many lights without neutral, and the Broadlink TC2 switches are great for that type installation, I think the only possibility

we are not alone, there is a fix, although have not well understood which is, here:

I think my question is similar but different?

Basically when I press a switch on my app/gui the code gets sent straight away. However my problem is the speed of entering the next command.

E.g. when i browse a guide, and I navigate up down left right, each of these commands need about 1sec wait before you can execute the next. Where as obviously on the remote or Boardlink app, you press the next command it auto triggers straight away.

Anyone know if any code to help with speeding up sending of the next command to broadlink, or is having similar problems?