Broadlink RM2 Pro Jason parsing errors

I’m not sure if I have set this up properly, any suggestions?

I can talk to the RM2 from my Hassio install and capture codes. Every time I tried to load them into the switches it crashed Hassio, so I tried just sending the exact data I had captured and get the following error:

Error parsing JSON: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier “sgC2AB4VDiQOJQ4lHxQOJR8UDiUfFB8UDiUfFB8UDiQPJGPxHxQfFB8UDiUeFB8UHxUeFQ0lHxQOJQ4lDiUfFA4lHhQPJR4VHhQOJR8UHxQOJQ4lY”

I am capturing RF signals for remote sockets, no particular brand, from ALDI. The Broadlink app captured the same signals and is sending and operating the switches fine.

Normally when you paste the code is you have to add a couple of “==” to the end in side the quotes so the end of your switch code should look like this …


Your setup for the switches should look like this…

  - platform: broadlink
    host: !secret broadlink_host
    mac: !secret broadlink_mac 
    timeout: 15
        friendly_name: "VehoSB"
        friendly_name: "TV_Recorder"
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That has removed the error. I quess i keep reording and re-recording and trying until it works? The red light on the broadlink comes on when i work the hassio switch so i know somehing is happening but the light isnt working off HA… yet!