I am trying to add my 3rd Broadlink RM3 mini, using the Broadlink integration.
I already have one RM3 mini and a RM3 PRO+ configured and work fine.
My problem is that the 3rd one doesn’t show in the Integration, so I try to add another Broadlink,
after entering it’s fixed IP address I get “Aborted… Device is already configured”
I cannot find it defined anywhere in my *.yaml config files, and it doesn’t show in the integration.
therefore It does not list as a device, so I am unable to ‘learn’ the remote commands on this device.
It is defined on my Broadlink app, with nothing else. and can see it is online and responding fine.
Really appreciate any suggestions on how to get this 3rd mini working again… ( I used to have the 3 of them working via manual yaml definitions, before the GUI integration).
I am not keen to delete the integration, as I do not want to risk losing the other 2 Broadlinks remotes definitions…
Have a look in the config/.storage folder. The UI integration creates files called broadlink_remote_xxxx (two per device). The “xxxx” part is from the DID (in the BroadLink app for the device, click on ‘…’ then Property, then Device info). If the files exist for the new device, maybe try renaming them (to ‘delete’) and restart HA.
If all else fails, you should be able to learn the codes from your other RM3 mini, and then create a switch using the Broadlink platform and the MAC address of the new device, copying the learned code from broadlink_remote_xxxx_codes.
Thanks for your reply Michael,
Unfortunately only the broadlink_remote_xxxx code and flag files exist for the 2 working broadlink devices… I was contemplating manually creating these for the ‘new’ rm3 mini using its mac in the name.
Somehow, from what I read, this is not likely to work.
I’ll try your work around as a last resort, but surely if it comes up as ‘already configured’ I must be able to delete it somewhere ?
Not sure if this is your problem, but you want to make sure the device is not “locked”.
If you go into the broadlink app, there is an option to lock the device which would make it not work locally on the network and not work with Home Assistant. I would double check the toggle is set to off so it is unlocked.
Well this is embarrassing !
I found the issue was I had the device ‘disabled’. So I needed to unhide disabled integrations for it to display…
Thank you for the helpful suggestions, muchly appreciated