Broadlink RM3 + HA + google home?

Hello, got my broadlink rm3. I have integrated it with HA but so far only on/off of tv. But i have few questions:

  • is it possible to integrate the broadlink config with google assistant from HA? If yes, any guide ?

  • is it possible to say for google home to change tv channel and make broadlink send the command ?

  • what about to increase the volume 5 time or decrease it ? I read that a script can be created for that, any help how ?

And finally can you please share how u r using it ? Automations and scripts ?

Thank you.

Just follow the instruction in the description

Should work with any broadlink devices (pro, mini)

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please note that in 0.64.0 Broadlink is not working…

To use home assistant as a main server or hub to link with your google assistant, google home, amazon alexa, siri with broadlink. I recommend you check from home assistant component page for broadlink switch.
Get devices to control by broadlink into HA first, then again check from home assistant for other components for google assistant, alexa, homekit. All these components can be add into home assistant.

If you choose to use home assistant + ha bridge + broadlink. At final stage there are many components that need let’s encrypt which use port 80 (this port also use by ha bridge) on your pi for registration. Then you will end up miss of using many components that home assistant support.

Sorry for my broken english.

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Thank you for informing so I won’t upgrade yet. o.O’

Another method is to create a script for each set of IR commands (i.e. change to next channel), then expose this script via the Google Assistant component.
After a resync with Google Assistant, the script can be launched by saying “start [scriptname]” (i.e. start next channel) or “turn [scriptname] on” (turn next channel on)

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