Broadlink RM3 mini problems


Home Assistant 0.103.6
Earlier I had Broadlink RM4C mini and I thought that the problem is only with the 4 version, but now i bought 3rd version (Broadlink RM3 mini) - everything is the same.

I can config it as a switch or send a message through the service, but NOTHING happens. I look at the device through the camera of my mobile phone and see that it is not sending anything (phone can see IR radiation).
If disconnecting the device from the power - then errors that it is impossible to connect. But if you connect, then nothing happens. There are even no error messages. The packet is sent to the Broadlink, but the Broadlink does not send ANYTHING. Please, help!


  • platform: broadlink
    mac: ‘24:DF:A7:7A:6D:EA’
    type: ‘rm_mini’
    friendly_name: ‘Broadlink RM 3 Mini Bedroom’
    friendly_name: “Phillips Tv Power”
    command_on: ‘JgAcAB0dHB44HhweGx4cHR06HB0cHhwdHB8bHhwADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==’
    command_off: ‘JgAaABweOR4bHhwdHB4dHRw6HhsdHR0dOTocAA0FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==’

So I original setup my ceiling fans with the broadlink pro In HA, and then one day it stopped working. No errors just like what your experiencing.
I ended up using Node Red broadlink
You have to relearn the codes but since then it’s never missed a beat.

It seems that the problem is in the device itself. Broadlink manager can found device, but writes that the device is not compatible. Most likely, the new firmware does not allow third-party programs to connect.

I have the same problem with a new rm mini3. The broadlink app detects it as an unknown device.


There is a reported issue about this, units with firmware version 44057 don’t work with HA. There seems to be an evolution in this issue since the last time I visited the topic. I haven’t yet read the last posts.

Enjoy your reading :slight_smile:


Interesting! I will give that a go one evening this week!

After replacing the broadlink init file, and a custom broadlink component with this, its working!


  - platform: broadlink
    friendly_name: Kitchen
    mac: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
    type: 'rm_mini3_5f36'
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I updated HA and forgot to grab copies of the old files — it doesnt work anymore unfortunately.
There must be another change somewhere else that needs to be patched.