Broadlink RM4 Pro learning issues

ok so did my research, watched videos on how to set up the broadlink rm4 pro into home assistant. Have it all integrated and HA sees it. Now I am trying to learn the remote for my Samsung Smart TV. Here are the steps i followed but am not getting good results: (by the way Broadlink is unlocked in the app)
Went to Developer Tools in HA
Services tab
Service: Remote.Learn.Command
Picked the Broad Link under devices
Device line : Samsun TV
Command : Home (Button)
Timeout 5 seconds
Pressed Call Service

The Light on the Broadlink goes Amber but when i point my remote to it it does not turn off. (Assuming Code Not Learned)

Am I doing something stupid and or wrong? Is the Broadlink Defective? This did not work for all buttons except for the Power button.

Remote has fresh batteries and i looked at it through my cell phone camera and can see the ir light flashing when you hit the buttons.

Any Ideas or should i send it back?

Any help from the community is greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

I always use a timeout of 30 seconds - would that make any difference?

Thanks for the response, I did not put it in but i tried that as well and same results.

How about using broadlink manager [1]. It might be more work to add the IR codes into HA, but once you have the IR codes it works as expected.


That sounds Excellent, I will give it a try and see how it works out. Will let you all know.

Thank you much!

Have you solved this issue? I have the same…

I try to learn command and the led it is not turning off if I press the remote near the Broadlink Remote…

RM4 Pro as well… But I have another 4 the same products, which are working good. Only one is with this issue

Apart from the price is their any difference buying the RM pro from Amazon or Aliexpress.

As far as I know they’re the same, but buying on Amazon you’ll receive it in a couple days, where as Ali will take much longer and you might not receive it.

I actually bought my rm 4 mini on Ebay from a reliable seller that offered priority shipping. Cheaper then Amazon and came within a week or so.

Hi @PickOne

I did not get the broad link manager to work as I am running HASS Operating system and did not have a separate pi laying around to run Broadlink Manager on its own. So what I ended up doing is running all braodlink through the Alexa with voice commands and using Alexa routines to start things on a time. One automation I am looking at will combine Alexa and Home assistant.

I will add a power monitor to the tv with the plug and have Home Assistant montor the plug. When i turn on the tv with a an alexa routine the plug will see the change in power and trigger an automation to dim the lights. The same thing in reverse for when the tv is off. This works best for me and my house as well.

Hope this helps for you.

Anyone try node red? I don’t have an rmpro 4 but it works well for me with the the rm 4 minis and original rm pro.

Here’s the Node red palette

Per this guide, it should also work with the rm pro4


Well… I checked on github then I talked with broadlink… from both sides, I found out that the specific broadlink device which didn’t work, it is “damaged”… it can’t work on learning. For me, was not learning even in the app, so… bad luck, I guess… I bought another broadlink and is working good. I can use the “damaged” one, only to send commands, not to learn