Broadlink S1C Alarm Kit Custom Sensor Component


  - platform: broadlink_s1c
    ip_address: ""
    mac: "AB:C1:D2:EF:GH:34"
    timeout: 10

The timeout is optional and defaults to 10.

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Ver 96.4 the broadlink_s1c component couse 1000 lines of error in the log. It reort errors for all the components at configuration.yaml, and the GUI don’t load at all.
This problem is solved if I delete the folder broadlink_s1c.

I upgraded from ver 90.1 which worked fine.

hi, im new user hassio.
i have Home Assistant 0.103.6 on pi
i dont added s1c. so i am tired.
my other problem from A1 sensor data on my screen air"0" light “1” noise “1” is a solution?
please i need help with remote connection.
[email protected]

Hi there, just use this templates for your Broadlink A1 Sensors.

#A1 TEMPLATES#############################
  - platform: template
        value_template: >-
            {%- if is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_air_quality", "0") %}
            {% elif is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_air_quality", "1") %}
            {% elif is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_air_quality", "2") %}
            {% elif is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_air_quality", "3") %}
            {% elif is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_air_quality", "unknown") %}
            {%- endif %}
        value_template: >-
            {%- if is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_light", "0") %}
            {% elif is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_light", "1") %}
            {% elif is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_light", "2") %}
            {% elif is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_light", "3") %}
            {% elif is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_light", "unknown") %}
            {%- endif %}
        value_template: >-
            {%- if is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_noise", "0") %}
            {% elif is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_noise", "1") %}
            {% elif is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_noise", "2") %}
            {% elif is_state("sensor.a1_livingroom_noise", "unknown") %}
            {%- endif %}
Change the sensor.a1_livingroom_xxxxx to the name of your sensors.
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It is no longer maintained. But which component or script for s1c is maintained? Does anybody know?

Hello all…
I have the same problem,S1C will not working…
in the configuration check (loading but nothing append)
HA 0.106.5

 All is good...
 two days later it worked
 there was a problem with router

I had Previously installed a Broadlink A1 Environment Sensor and a SC1 WiFi Switch… then I bought a S1C Alarm Kit…
I user your Folders in this link…

The S1C Alarm Kit was installed and showed Ok but the A1 Environment Sensors Went Offline.
How can i Use Both of Them.
thnx in Advance ,Gent

I’m having issues with this.

Hassio supervisor on dockers.
S1c alarm hub
Same config set up as explained and just get:

Platform error sensor.broadlink_slc - Integration 'broadlink_slc' not found.
Platform error sensor.broadlink_s1c - Integration 'broadlink_s1c' not found.
  - platform: broadlink_s1c
    mac: 'B4:43:0D:F1:DC:DC'  
    timeout: 10

you are the best man!!!
is is very nice. i m hapyy.
thanks a lot bro.

Awesom Got this set up now!

The sensors show detection well but the door sensor always shows as closed - doesn’t seem to be picking up any state change. Entity was created automatically after restart and looks all ok.

Is this just a bug perhaps?

Update: another reboot fixed this. Now the door sensor changes state in HA immediately.

Spoke too soon.

Keep getting offline errors:

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/broadlink/", line 303, in send_packet raise exception(0xfffd) broadlink.exceptions.DeviceOfflineError: The device is offline

Anyway of avoiding this or is it due to a wifi signal from the main hub to the router?

Just moved the s1c hub next to the router - much better signal. The sensors work on RF so should be fine further away form the hub. Time will tell.

When slc will be supported officially ?

Do we have some news about official support?


I’m new to HA. Could someone please tell me how to install and cobfigure this component? I see a lot of people refering to the file and I cannot find it anywhere…

I made fork, you can copy to your custom components , it also work with s2c

1 Like I updated component version to work with new HA, also I made it work with HACS (custom repository)

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Good job! I still have the original integration in HA.


Eventually I added broadlink_s1c_s2c to the official HACS

I had issues with “unknown” state from motion sensors. I just replace the batteris and tada…