Broadlink send stopped working

Anyone else got this problem now?
I’m still on 0.109.6 so it’s not an update that did it.

Node RED also fails, but broadlink manager works.


  - platform: broadlink
    mac: '34:EA:34:B2:F6:EA'
    #type: rm4_mini

      # TV
        friendly_name: "TV toggle on/off"

and so on…
The same packets work from broadlink manager.
Broadlink.learn has also stopped working from home assistant, but it works from broadlink manager.

I do not use the app and have not done any changes. Anyone else have this problem now or know how to fix it?

Same with me. I don’t know what to do.

“Nice to know”. I mean now I know it’s not just me.
But I’m at the same time surprised it has not happened to more people.

I found the problem in the logs of HA.

Something like this… “Error could not establish connection to Broadlink device”.
So if you restart Home Assistant when there is not wifi or power to the Broadlink device it will not create the connection and will not try to restore it when/if it goes back online.
Reboot HA when the Broadlink has connection and it works again.

That is a little problem I believe.
My router is extremely slow to start up so if we have a short power loss (like yesterday) everything boots up minutes before they get wifi from our router.

thanks to you :slight_smile:
the problem I was encountering was also connection problem. somehow rmpro ip address is changed to to
I have updated the configuration.yaml accordingly. It works now :))

You should reserve the IP to the Broadlink in your router to make sure it doesn’t happen again.