Broadlink stopped working

I had a nice little setup for a Broadlink RM Mini, controlling my stereo amp.
Suddenly it stopped working, and at startup I get these messages in home-assistant.log:

2018-11-05 22:33:08 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch] Setup of platform broadlink is taking over 10 seconds.
2018-11-05 22:33:29 ERROR (SyncWorker_10) [homeassistant.components.switch.broadlink] Failed to connect to device

configuration.yaml is like this:

  • platform: broadlink
    mac: ‘34:EA:34:58:AC:55’
    timeout: 30
    type: rm_mini
    friendly_name: “Hegel”
    command_off: etc.etc.
    The IP is static and correct. And the MAC is verified several times!
    Help, please?

I heard the Broadlink servers are down from a Dos attack. Could be the reason.

Is the device shown as connected to your router?

Can you send a Ping to the RM mini?

Have you tried restarting the rm mini and then restarting HA?

This is a local integration, there is no need for external connection.

I have my rm mini blocked from all external connections in my firewall and it works just fine.

Could explain why mine is still working fine :slight_smile:

I’d check to make sure the ip address is the same. It happened to me shortly before I set a reserved ip address for it in my router.

Read the op

You´re right. there is something strange with the RM Mini´s network connection. It drops out and fails to get an IP address. It should be well within reach of the wireless router (A Ubiquiti Amplifi mesh. Could that be a problem?).
So I can´t ping it either, of course.
I´ll investigate more tomorrow.

I have the same thing happen with my RM3mini every now and then. It generally comes back with a HA restart

Thanks, All!Solved, and looks stable now! I had to move the RM Mini to a new location as close as possible to the main mesh router, while still sitting in the same room as the equipment it’s controlling. Tricky, since one is on 1st floor and the RM is in the basement.
I guess the problem is between the RM and my mesh, somehow.

Sorry, a bit late here…

I borrowed a Hegel and loved it but I returned it since I couldn’t make it autostart with my home theater. I didn’t realise my Broadlink could help with that… Would you care to share your codes, or how you did to make it work?


- platform: broadlink
  host: 192.168.x.y
  mac: 'xx:xx....'
  timeout: 30
  type: rm_mini
      friendly_name: "Hegel"
      command_off: "JgA0ABwgGyAdHj0cHB8eHRwfHDw9HRsgGz0cAAt0HB8fHBwfOh8cIBsgGyAeOjofHh0cPBwADQUAAAAA"
      command_on: "JgAwABwfPTk9HBwfHh0cHxw9OSAbIB4dHAALjh4dPDo8HR4dHxwfHB46PB4dHh0eHQANBQAAAAAAAAAA"

The on and off commands are for the volume up and down, since my Hegel (H80) is always on. It’s quite easy to teach the rm the other codes.

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