Broadlink to learn 433 mhz

I found old rf remote witch is used sometimes and tried to copy it to Home Assistant

I have broadlink rm pro and it can control 433 mhz remotes. Tried service broadlink learn, light on broadlink turned on - I tapped the button. And got nothing. Tried long tap, short tap, tried one more 433 remote and even 315. They did not work as well, iI always see this:

But I did not have issues to learn IR command. It worked instantly. Am I missing something? Is it possible to learn rf commands that way?

Sometimes it seems like it takes a short time for the service call to put the Broadlink into learning mode and if you press the button too soon it doesn’t work.
Try either pushing the button slightly later or holding it down for down a few more seconds. That normally works for me if I’m having problems getting it to learn the code.

Thank you for suggestion
Actually, I always wait until light turns on on broadlink
tried again waiting couple of seconds more but got same effect

Hello, that’s strange. I read my codes with the “Broadlink Manager” and then entered them in HA, take a look at the link here …

Something has already been written here in the forum …

As I know, broadlink manager works only on windows and I am on mac os :frowning:

have you found find any solution?
I’m in the same trouble here. :confused:

Nope, unfortunately
But I would recommend to use smart switches instead

Finally got rf working with Ladaowner’s steps

Thx, I’ll give it a try.
But haven’t E-control app been deprecated?
On iOS I couldn’t use it for a while. They made a redesigned BroadLink app.

I used it on iphone. And I also have two another apps, but did not try them out

e-control is old as but still works for iOS. Remember to get the RM Pro installed and joined to your network you need to use AP mode. Hold reset till it flashes blue fast then hold reset a second time until it flashes blue slowly

Holy molly! It does work!!!

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And to think I used to do the drzzzzs http bridge method, so zzzzzzzzzz.

Now it is so much more easy.