Broken Conbee? How to replace with Conbee II?

Suddenly my zigbee stopped working and after restart all zigbee devices are unavilable.
I use ZHA and before it stopped I upgraded HassOS to 3.10.

I have tried the Conbee stick on a Windows 10 computer, I not sure how it works but I can see the controler i Deconz and also updated firmware.

Can’t se anything special in the log (if I look right).

Any idea?

If I want/need to replace the Conbee stick it will be with a Conbee 2 stick, how can I do this without need to pair all devices again?

Did you have it backed up?

I have HA-snapshots, can I backup it in some other way?

Yes, in the Phoscon UI for deconz, there is a option to backup the stick.

I don’t use Phoscon, I use ZHA so I think it is not possible to take backup in Phoscon then or?

I seems that I found a solution, if I delete the devices and pair them again and after that restart HA, then it works again. If I don’t restart HA after pairing the device pending unavailible all the time.

So hopefully it works again, but I have no idea what happen.

I had the exact same issue. Was it stable for you after?