Broken. Help?

My HA is… stuck.

I show 4 updates available (HA Core, HA Supervisor, Terminal, ESPHome) but I can’t install any of them. It just spins and spins.

Only item in my logs (unless I’m looking in the wrong spot) is:

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.template
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 14:52:04 (20 occurrences)
Last logged: 15:01:04

* Template variable error: dict object has no element 0 when rendering '{% if value_json|length == 0 %} OFF {% elif value_json[0].value == "HIGH" %} OFF {% else %} ON {% endif %}'
* Template variable error: dict object has no element 0 when rendering '{% set ns = namespace(state="OFF") %} {% if value_json|length == 0 %} {% set ns.state = "OFF" %} {% elif value_json[0].value == "1" %} {% set ns.state = "ON" %} {% else %} {% for vi in value_json[1:] %} {% if vi.value == "1" and (now()|as_timestamp - vi.timestamp / 1000) < 60 %} {% set ns.state = "ON" %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {{ns.state}}'

Same issue with 2022.11.4 just spins like it is updating but doesn’t.

Looks like a config-error with the REST sensor(s). This might help you to solve it.