Brower Mod 2 keeps turning off newly register browser set of

I have configured my profile so that I dos not turn off a connection due to in activity (this appears to e a transient selection tag option goes back to on)

I install browser mod 2 using HACS on to a virtual machine under Linux

I am running OS 10.5

Core 2023.8.4

I have browser mod 2 set not to auto register or lock

I specify browser id of safari_cat. (using safari)

I toggle to register

The browse ID is added and promptly turned off at least I had thought so

Aftre a couple of days of experimentation I have founds heat the media player one works as long as the browser is open and has HA open. I guess that makes sense

Ok Same thing. I did all te above and registered it and in my profile turned off he auto disconnect in my HA Profile. After registering my browser I locked the register, OK media player works… until I close the browser… Who I reopen the browser it isa no longer connected. Kind of makes the integration useless as a medi player. unless I NEVER close the browser

Ok. kind of talking to myself… But think I found a path to a semi permanent browser based media player. What I have done is register the home assistant app in both of my house computers as media players, Using a true web browser. require manual intervention to open a window to my HA server. Using the HA app I can include it in autostart and have the same media player available.

Ok I have the Virtual Machine installed on my server. Have the macOS HA app starting on start up on my two home machines ands now have consistently available media players on both machines.