Browser mod changing urls on all devices not just target

I’ve been using browser mod for a display project I’m working on. I’m using this call to change the current view on one of my two browser mod tablets but it is actually changing the view on both.

service: browser_mod.navigate
metadata: {}
  path: /dashboard-tablet/clock
  entity_id: sensor.tabletfullkiosk_browser_path

Am I calling this correctly and understanding correctly? I thought I was targeting only one device but both are changing in sync. For what it’s worth, the other device is called sensor.tablet_master_browser_path and it changes it’s view when the above is called.

Any help is most appreciated!

I figured out the problem:

service: browser_mod.navigate
  path: /dashboard-tablet/weather
  entity_id: sensor.tabletfullkiosk_browser_path

This does not work. It will change the ‘view’ on all devices connected with BM

service: browser_mod.navigate
  path: /dashboard-tablet/weather
  device_id: de2564d0f7c84ed9293d03a35db78bcd

This works as it is targetting the device itself. Unfortunately this adds complexity to what I’m doing as the device_id does not seem readily exposed as an attribute.

service: browser_mod.navigate
  path: /dashboard-tablet/weather
  device_id: "{{ device_id('sensor.tabletfullkiosk_browser_path') }}"

Doing this works. Not sure why it needs to be this way but happy that it works.