Browser_mod: Device_ID keeps changing

This has been bugging me for some time now and haven’t been able to root-cause this behaviour:
I have a wall mounted iPad running HomeAssistant Companion app.
Over the past month, without rebooting the iPad , without any changes or reboots in HA, the iPad Device_ID has randomly changed 4 times leaving some of the browser_mod automations useless.

Configuration file has browser_mod device entry per instructions.

Side effect is the large number of orphaned devices :thinking:

Anyone have a clue what’s causing this.?

Th browser mod ID seems to be comprised of the mac address of the device and the id string of the browser, which means an update to the browser might change the browser mod id.

Understand and that’s perfectly fine , but why does it change randomly despite no changes or restarts to physical device or browser (using the companion app)

Then maybe you are using a device with mac spoofing.
mac spoofing is used to prevent tracking, but in this case it messes it all up instead.

Good point , didn’t think of that.
I’ve disabled private network on the iPad , see if that resolves the issue
Thanks so far !

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Did you end up getting to the bottom of this? I’m dealing with the exact same issue except it’s a wall mounted android tablet - a samsung note 10.5

It’s no longer an issue to me , think it’s a combination of disabling mac spoofing and updates on the browser_mod end. For me it works a designed right now