Hello, i hope i’m right here, because its not bug, more a how to question…
I installed Browser_mod a few months ago, and optimistic as i was, i enabled auto register, now my HA gots slower and slower every day.
I saw based on google searches, that this can be caused by browsermod and i found out that i have myself over 20’000 entities from browsermod…
I tried to remove them at once by uninstall the mod and reinstall after reboot.
the entities vanish after uninstall, but reapear after installation… when i uninstall browsermod HA works again fluently, but as soon as i reinstall it its horrable again.
How can i remove all the entities without going thru each one at a time?
I saw a lot of people talking about call service browsermod.cleandevices, but this service does not exist on my site, and the posts are all quite old, is this service removed? how to clean all devices?
has anyone an idea? till then i need to live without this mod…
I tried spook, but it does not remove any of the entities. For not, i have non of the eneities in my entity list. but when i click on browsermod in the left menu, it takes like 2 minutes to load and there the list below is still huge…
Hi there. I’ve been searching for something to batch remove a bunch. It seems like there isn’t one readily available. So I ended up writing a script that will copy and paste from Excel and process. By toggling the register switch to get them to be removed as an entity entirely from it.
The file is located in the config/.storage folder. This may not appear if you connect via samba (it’s a dot folder) and doesn’t appear when using the HASS terminal. Just go into the config folder then cd .storage to get there.
Delete or rename browser_mod.storage and restart HASS. You would also want to either disable browser_mod if you’re not using it, or change the settings that are causing this.
If you still have the devices in your configuration, you can delete the home assistant database file and reboot. Note that doing so will mean all historical data, such as state changes, logs, and trends, will be erased. This includes the history of all entities, not just the unwanted ones.
Use Python or another scripting language to interact with the Home Assistant API and delete the entities programmatically. This method offers more flexibility and control.