đŸ”č Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

Thanks for this excellent component! I was hoping to auto-scale the Canvas-gauge-card lovelace card (that can only be sized using pixels) using the information available from Browser_mod about the screen size. Do you have any cunning suggestions on how to pull this of so that my gauges are the correct size for varying screen sizes? (Perhaps I’m overthinking this and there is a simpler way?)

HI Thomas,
of all the integrations in my config, browser-mod is the one that takes the longest time to finish setup. Would this be an expected time, just wondering why that would be so out of the ordinary compared to the other integrations:

2020-03-13 23:35:13 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain browser_mod took 169.8 seconds.

if anything, can we do something to speed that up, or, might it be an indicator of other issues.
thanks for having a look,

Any thoughts on this? I would love to be able to access the user name as well as browser-related information in Lovelace templates. Ideal would be display name as well as display dimensions which would allow for calculations based on available space.

By the way: I tried solving it using a combination of card-templater and state-switch but I keep getting: “nested arrays are not supported inside keys”

just to be sure:
are the B-M updates backwards compatible? Still on 106.6, can we update to Browser-mod release 24, or will this cause trouble

Well I went and made the leap to 107.1 and everything seems to be acting normal except my service: browser_mod.popup calls. When I click on a card linked to that tap_action it displays the following: Custom element doesn’t exist: hui-picture-card.

          - aspect_ratio: 0%
            camera_view: live
            entities: []
            gridcol: 2 / 2
            gridrow: 2 / 3
            image: 'http://xxxxxx.duckdns.org:8083/'
              action: call-service
              service: browser_mod.popup
                auto_close: true
                  image: 'http://xxxxxx.duckdns.org:8083/'
                  type: picture
                  - this
                  - dashboard
                  align-items: center
                  display: flex
                  position: center
                  width: 85%
            title: Front Door
            type: picture-glance

EDIT: Nevermind turned out to be an issue with custom cards. Solution can be found here: Lovelace Card Preloader

I am also having this issue with slow startup times from browser_mod.
It is kind of sporadic tho, sometimes it works fine.

I manually added some logging and for me it seems to hang on the loading of sensors.

will try the debug again to see if anything valuable pops up. for now this is always the case:

2020-03-20 11:35:21 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain browser_mod took 193.1 seconds.

since updating to last HA version, i have an issue with the card:

This is my card :
When i press the card :

suddenly a new entity added that control all lights without a reason and as we see.
there is no entity in my card that control all lights.

      type: 'custom:button-card'  
      color: auto
      size: 30%
      icon: '[[icon]]'
      entity: '[[entity]]'
      show_last_changed: true
      aspect_ratio: 1/1
      show_state: true
      name: '[[name]]'
      show_label: true
        notification: '[[notification]]'
        action: call-service
        service: browser_mod.popup
          title: Lights
            background: var(--background-image)
            color: AliceBlue
            border-radius: 15px
            --ha-card-border-radius: 15px
            --ha-card-background: '#fff5bc'            
            type: entities
              - entity: light.corner_living_room_lights
                icon: mdi:ceiling-light
              - entity: light.bedroom_lights
                icon: mdi:ceiling-light
              # - entity: light.masterbedroom
                # name: Master Bedroom Lights
                # icon: mdi:ceiling-light
              # - entity: light.xiaomi_philips_smart_led_ball_3
                # name: Master Bedroom
                # icon: mdi:ceiling-light
              - entity: switch.sonoff_100017d309
                name: Night Light
                icon: mdi:led-outline
              - light.gateway_light_04cf8c9829a2
              - light.gateway_light_34ce00fa5d87
            style: |
              ha-card {
                --paper-item-icon-color: black;
                  color: black;  

Any idea?

i have one more issue that i will upload later with the card since the last update.

i have also updated the card to the latest version using HACS.

Thanks for the help.

Thank you,

Is it possible to use custom entity cards within a popup? See the picture posted undeneath here. Am i doing something wrong or is this just not possible? thanks.

Add show_header_toggle: false to the popup card config, that fixed it for me.

1 Like

Hello. This Browser_mod is very good. However I have this problem:
There is a difference in the screen of a Lenovo tb-7504x and Nexus 7 2013.

When I call the popup camera on Nexus 7 it works fine, but on Lenovo it fills the screen (it is not a popup) and it occupies the entire screen and I have to drag the image upwards to see the complete camera.

Probably because of the height of the tablet, is this possible to solve?



@thomasloven I really like Browser_mod and have been using the Pop-Up feature for several months. I updated HA to 107 this morning and started having an issue using the Pop-Up with card type “alarm-panel” I get an error in the pop-up indicating “Custom element doesn’t exist: hui-alarm-panel-card.”
Any suggestions? I loaded the most recent version of Browser_mod this morning and still no success.

Never mind
 it seems to be working now. Odd!

Hi all, I have some problems with changing the view in my frontend. Can someone help me with this automation. It is not working at the moment. It is triggered (i can see it in the automation view) but nothing happens:

- alias: change view 1
    platform: time
    at: "19:00:00"  
    condition: time
    - mon
    - tue
    - wed
    - thu
    - fri
    - sat
    - sun
    - service: browser_mod.command
        command: navigate 
        navigation_path: /lovelace/3
          - d0d458a7_ee46d392


I have a problem with browser_mod pop up card after upgrade HA to 0.107. With button-cards works fine, the popup window appears in the middle of the screen.

With swipe-cards the popup windows position slides down:

I use:
HA 0.107.5
HACS 0.23.2
Browser mod 24

Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong? (with HA 0.105 it worked well)

Thanks for your help!

DeviceIDs use -, not _.

A good debugging trick is to use the debug service to see if things work.

You haven’t told me what you’re doing


This is the 2. picture’s (RedƑnyök vezĂ©rlĂ©se) tap config:

                          action: call-service
                          service: browser_mod.popup
                              card_width: 95%
                                - entities:
                                    - cover.ablak_redonyok
                                    - entity: cover.ablak_redonyok
                                      full_row: true
                                      type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
                                    - type: divider
                                    - cover.deli_ablak_redonyok
                                    - entity: cover.deli_ablak_redonyok
                                      full_row: true
                                      type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
                                    - type: divider
                                    - cover.eszaki_ablak_redonyok
                                    - entity: cover.eszaki_ablak_redonyok
                                      full_row: true
                                      type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
                                    - type: divider
                                    - cover.keleti_ablak_redonyok
                                    - entity: cover.keleti_ablak_redonyok
                                      full_row: true
                                      type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
                                    background-color: 'rgba(0,0,20,0.6)'
                                  type: entities
                                - entities:
                                    - entity: cover.szoba1_redonyvezerlo_level
                                      name: HĂĄlĂłszoba
                                    - entity: cover.szoba1_redonyvezerlo_level
                                      full_row: true
                                      type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
                                    - type: divider
                                    - entity: cover.furdo_redonyvezerlo_level
                                      name: FĂŒrdƑ
                                    - entity: cover.furdo_redonyvezerlo_level
                                      full_row: true
                                      type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
                                    - type: divider
                                    - entity: cover.szoba2_redonyvezerlo_level
                                      name: Gyerekszoba
                                    - entity: cover.szoba2_redonyvezerlo_level
                                      full_row: true
                                      type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
                                    - type: divider
                                    - entity: cover.konyha_redonyvezerlo_level
                                      name: Konyha
                                    - entity: cover.konyha_redonyvezerlo_level
                                      full_row: true
                                      type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
                                    background-color: 'rgba(0,0,20,0.6)'
                                  type: entities
                                - entities:
                                    - entity: cover.nappali_redonyvezerlo_1_level
                                      name: Nappali jobb
                                    - entity: cover.nappali_redonyvezerlo_1_level
                                      full_row: true
                                      type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
                                    - type: divider
                                    - entity: cover.nappali_redonyvezerlo_2_level
                                      name: Nappali bal
                                    - entity: cover.nappali_redonyvezerlo_2_level
                                      full_row: true
                                      type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
                                    - type: divider
                                    - entity: cover.wc_redonyvezerlo_level
                                      name: WC
                                    - entity: cover.wc_redonyvezerlo_level
                                      full_row: true
                                      type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
                                    background-color: 'rgba(0,0,20,0.6)'
                                  type: entities
                                - entities:
                                    - cards:
                                        - entities:
                                            - >-
                                            - >-
                                            - type: divider
                                            - >-
                                            - >-
                                            - type: divider
                                            - >-
                                            - >-
                                            - type: divider
                                            - >-
                                            - >-
                                          type: entities
                                      popup: timeout
                                      type: 'custom:love-lock-card'
                                  show_header_toggle: false
                                    background-color: 'rgba(0,0,20,0.6)'
                                  type: entities
                                - entities:
                                    - cards:
                                        - entities:
                                            - >-
                                            - >-
                                            - >-
                                            - >-
                                            - type: divider
                                            - automation.wc_redony_felhuzasa_napkelte
                                            - automation.wc_redony_lehuzasa_napnyugta
                                          type: entities
                                      popup: timeout
                                      type: 'custom:love-lock-card'
                                  show_header_toggle: false
                                  type: entities
                                - entities:
                                    - cards:
                                        - entities:
                                            - >-
                                            - entity: input_number.roller_shutter_position
                                              name: PoziciĂł
                                              type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
                                            - type: divider
                                            - entity: >-
                                              name: Napkelte
                                              type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
                                          type: entities
                                      popup: timeout
                                      type: 'custom:love-lock-card'
                                  show_header_toggle: false
                                  type: entities
                                allowTouchMove: false
                                centeredSlides: true
                                  enabled: true
                                  onlyInViewport: true
                                navigation: null
                                  type: progressbar
                                slidesPerView: auto
                                spaceBetween: 8
                              type: 'custom:swipe-card'
                              - this
                              - dashboard
                            large: false
                              background-color: 'rgba(0,0,20,0.6)'
                              background-repeat: no-repeat
                              background-size: 100% 100%
                              border-radius: 15px
                              width: 40%
                            title: RedƑnyök vezĂ©rlĂ©se