šŸ”¹ Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

Same problem here

Problem with actions within a popup is due to the new hass-action being incompatible with browser_mod

From my experience, native HA cards are unaffected, and custom-button-card also still work
However v3 of mushroom cards uses the new hass-action and therefore do not function

Iā€™ve rolled back mushroom card to 2.8.1 for the moment.
fingers crossed we see a fix for browser_mod soon
(and hoping thomasloven is well and just a bit busy this year)


@nullae - Appreciate the explanation, and the suggestion to roll-back a version on the Mushroom Cards.

Is there a way to roll back Mushroom cards from the HACS gui, or do i need to redownload the files and put them in place manually?

  • I figured it out. For others that read this, select Redownload from the overflow menu. Then choose the version to download and then reload.

Yes, re-download in three-dot-menu and choose the wanted version.

With release 2.3 I cant change the popup background colour. Probably related to the changelog ā€œChanges to popup formatting to be more consistent with built-in dialogsā€.
Under style, --popup-background-color no longer works, and I have tried --primary-background-color and --popup-primary-background-color which likewise donā€™t work.

Any ideas?

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Latest commit almost certainly fixed it. Wait for next release!

(I reported the bug and itā€™s closed now.)

Same here. Created an issue.

Ohā€¦ i updated, but i didnā€™t had time to test it. Iā€™ll try and see. Thanks!

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If anyone else is having issues with pop-ups not being full screen on 2.3.0 I opened an issue.

ā€“mdc-theme-surface works.
However, I cannot find the styling for header text (card title) color.


The pop-up cards on my iPhone are suddenly full-screen, and I canā€™t click out of them. The same cards in the same view look and work fine in a Win browser, but on the iPhone, I need to force quit the Companion app to get off the pop-up card.

I have Mushroom cards inside the pop-ups. Iā€™ve rolled Mushroom back several versions, but that doesnā€™t seem to make a difference.

EDIT: Completely removed Browser Mod from configuration.yaml and from Integrations. Reloaded in HACS, re-added integration, restarting HA in between. Cleared caches on devices. Pop-ups are still full screen on iOS. Gah.

EDIT 2: I went through and removed all of my type: custom:popup-card cards, and am now successfully using fire-dom-event in its place. That didnā€™t work for me with previous (much older?) versions of browser_mod. Howeverā€¦ still no improvement on iOS.

same issue for meā€¦ i have just started using this as well

Did you have a look at the other reply on the post you replied?

Just an update: my media player in browser mod remains constantly unavailable. Other entities are fine, though. Turning ā€œregisterā€ off and on again doesnā€™t help - medai player remains unavailable.

Can someone maybe support me in having a script only runned on the device where it is triggered from?
It is a tap action on a dashboard:

  - action: none
    image: /local/ui/sidebar/roboter_off.png
      left: 11.7%
      top: 34%
      width: 20.5078125%
      action: call-service
      service: script.floorplan_roboter_change_eg
    type: image

And the script:

  - service: browser_mod.navigate
      path: /lovelance-floorplan/vacuum_erdgeschoss
    enabled: true

But the issue I have is that the path is changed on all registered browser and I want to do it ONLY on the one which is triggering the script.


Not full screen on Android however thereā€™s now a very unfinished looking title and X in the top left corner and also can not toggle anything thatā€™s in the popup. Although if a light is already on I can use the slider to adjust the brightness, just cannot turn the light off.

same with me, all styles gone and its fullscreen where I canā€™t even close it

I now have that same title and X, so I can close the window. And my mushroom cards within the pop-up are all working.

If I remove the defined title from the pop-up, the X and title are replaced with ā€œtrueā€, and I canā€™t close the pop-up.


          - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
            entity: climate.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              action: fire-dom-event
                service: browser_mod.popup
                  title: Basement

Not working:

          - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
            entity: climate.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              action: fire-dom-event
                service: browser_mod.popup
                  title: ''

The duplicated titles look bad, but at least itā€™s working now. @wardozer, do you have a title defined in your pop-up?

Ya when then its working and i can close, but none of the styles i defined are not working. Is style working for you?