šŸ”¹ Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

If the description of a new release starts with ā€œBREAKINGā€, itā€™s a good idea to read the release notes:


cover-popup-card doesnt work anymore since last updates, is anybody else having the same issue?

No issues here. Havenā€™t had a single breaking popup using browser_mod.

This is running latest updates:

All DBuits popup cards work for me (light and mediaplayer popup-cards).

Can you help me? Where is the problem? Should I check the log??

Are you using browser mod built in pop up? Cuz Iā€™m using cover pop up card. May you send me your yaml?

Hi, Iā€™m really struggling to get this to work.

  - title: '1'
    path: '1'
      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: 'custom:button-card'
                color_type: card
                color: 'auto'
                icon: 'mdi:thermostat'
                  action: call-service
                  service: browser_mod.popup
                    title: Popup example
                      type: entities
                        - light.livingroom_lamp
                      - this

Without the deviceID section, it works as expected. Adding this breaks it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

replacing ā€œthisā€ with a specific deviceID works and only opens the popup on the specified device. So the issue is with ā€œthisā€.


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This is my screen saver, browser mode, pop-up after 3 min
Is it possible to add weather forecast, card- darksky![IMG_20210323_225824|690x388](upload://deUSQ5qfu3R1lFojkm8zFnmXzLB.jpeg

Forecast card

Iā€™m struggling with not getting the prefix and the alias for my devices. In the configuration.yaml file, I add the following lines:

  prefix: "browser_mod_"
      name: imac
      name: mobiel

I checked the deviceIDā€™s via mod_browser.debug under Services. But these deviceIDā€™s are not getting the Alias. I expect that I can find these renamed" entities under the Entity tab by searching for it.

What am I doing wrong?

Do you have browser_mod listed first in configuration.yaml?

  prefix: ā€œbrowser_ā€

Thanks, that does the trick. Another issue: the alias doesnā€™t work, it doesnā€™t replace the unique id.

I checked if they are available via de Developer tools.

I searched the entity and selected one of them, and there I see the alias mobiel:


And I guess, imac is not a unique name, so I need to assign an unique name. Lets try this out

Yes, same here now. Somehow it changes the device name itself, but not the entities tied to it. I manually changed the entities names (like you can with any entity). Workaround, but fine for the time being.

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Large: true is to large for my display. How can i make ist smaller?

Iā€™m using card-mod.

                action: fire-dom-event
                  command: popup
                  title: "DWD Wetterwarnung \U000026A0"
                    .: |
                      :host .content {
                        width: 600px;

Be aware that this is the old syntax of card-mod. With the new one it didnā€™t work for me.

To access the new cool features, you need to replace

ā€¦ stuff here ā€¦


ā€¦ stuff here ā€¦

Just style should still mostly work, but you wonā€™t get the new features.

this dont work for meā€¦

I canā€™t find this option anywhere. Where can i read about it?

host .content {
  width: 600px;

Is there a way to periodically check the deviceID via an automation? Mine periodically changes and breaks another automation - so I was hoping there is a way to retrieve the deviceid with an automation periodically and see if it has changed.

How do I implement the browser_mod popup service using the new 1.3.0 version?
Where do I put the popup command and what was ā€œservice_dataā€ before (the cards themselves)?
For example, how do I modify this?

          action: call-service
          service: browser_mod.popup
              type: 'custom:weather-card'
              entity: weather.darksky_hourly
              hourly_forecast: true
              forecast: true
              number_of_forecasts: '18'
              details: false
              current: false
              icons: /local/icons/weather_icons/static/
              - this
            style: |
              :host .content {
                width: 80vw;
            title: Hourly Weather Forecast

So with the latest version calling the service via the front end using Custom Button Card i cannot use the service fire-dom-event as it isnt a valid service in my list of available services.

Instead i had to remove deviceid: this from my buttons to allow the popup to work which now presents the popup on all devices.

What is the workaround to this? I only want the popup to appear on the device that initiated the popup.