šŸ”¹ Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

Hi Thomas.

Iā€™m running 99.2 hass.io on Raspbian. /config/custom_components/browser_mod/ contains the files, and configuration.yaml has ā€œbrowser_mod:ā€ entry. No config errors and multiple restarts, but there is no trace of browser_mod (in log, in states, or in services). Quite silly. I have other custom components in the same folder that are being found and started.

Any suggestions?

BTW, where do the /js files go?

There is only a single js file in custom_components/browser_mod/ and that should go in <your config dir>/custom_components/browser_mod/ as per the instructions.
The other stuff is source files for building the integration.

Cool thanks. It worked.

Next question: Is it possible to have any other card than entity? I want the live video stream to popup not the iconā€¦ pictury-entity was not allowed, nor picture-glance.

What do you mean not allowed? Any card works.

Thanks Thomas.

But, the component does not initialize, and no trace in log.

Heh, heh. Said it was silly. Installed in a different hass than the one I kept accessing. Brilliant, I would say!

Wellā€¦ with this code

    - service: browser_mod.command
        command: popup
        title: Doorbell
          type: picture-glance
            - camera.front_door
          - bd14ff64-aaaaaaaa

I get this error:

Only type: entities works, but do not give the function I want.

Hereā€™s what I use to show my frontdoor camera,

service: browser_mod.command
  command: more-info
  entity_id: camera.frontdoor
    - 00000000-11111111

Yeahā€¦ itā€™s weird how picture-glance cards refuse to work without a picture defined, isnā€™t it?

Hi How would i add the auto_close: true in the script?
I have this but it wont show wider card nor auto close :confused:

  alias: Pop-Up Front Door Camera
    - service: browser_mod.command
        command: more-info
        large: true
        auto_close: true
        entity_id: camera.front_door
          - add26ca0-6fd6fdac
          - 6e77de20-0fea8368

You canā€™t. more-info doesnā€™t support auto_close.

As a workaround you can make a popup with a more-info-card.

Sounds pretty good ā€¦thanks for the hint Iā€™ll try that

Shirt questionā€¦ how would that look like ? :yum: I mean the config part

  alias: Pop-Up Front Door Camera
    - service: browser_mod.command
        command: popup
        large: true
        auto_close: true
          type: custom:more-info-card
            entity: camera.front_door
          - add26ca0-6fd6fdac
          - 6e77de20-0fea8368

An exciting new feature has just been released.

Browser_mod can now send the picture from your devices camera to Home Assistant: https://github.com/thomasloven/hass-browser_mod/tree/11#camera-experimental

I just started using this component, replacing the old fully kiosk component.
I still use a tablet with fully kiosk browser for this.
I have the same problem, the entities keep becoming ā€˜unavailableā€™.
Does anyone know a solution to this? It did not happen with the old component.


Iā€™ve not found a solution and I have tried everything I can think of.
Itā€™s pretty annoying so I hope there is a solution somewhere.

Can you still access the device over the web interface when this happens? http://device.ip:2323

Yes I can.

device.ip:2323//?cmd=deviceInfo&type=json&password=xxx returns all the info.

Which is how I am currently monitoring the battery level (using a rest sensor) for charging.

And does your device still react to changes in Home Assistant? I.e. if you turn on a light or something from somewhere else, will it change to on on your device without becoming ā€œavailableā€?

My panel is locked down to one view at the moment that simply displays some information based on sensors. Iā€™m more than happy to do some extensive testing but it will take some extra time to set up.

What I can tell you now is that, no it does not seem to respond to changes until the motion detection kicks it back into life (that is, currently the Fully Kiosk motion detection, not using browser-mod). At that point it refreshes the screen which includes a picture-element that is simply based on sensor.time.

Interestingly (and maybe unconnected or maybe some useful info?) it usually refreshes all the displayed info to a time that is about 10 or so minutes later than that which it was displaying, before refreshing itself again to reflect the current time and sensor states. If that sounds like it might be useful information, I hope that makes sense!

The browser_mod service is definitely installed and functioning. I can for, example blackout the screen by calling browser_mod.command from /developer-tools/service.

Unfortunately, I have been completely unable to get it to work via lovelace or script. I am clearly doing something wrongā€¦ I have spent over 2 hours reading the instructions, reading through this discussion, and I still have been unsuccessful. I think it is time to ask for help.

  • I installed browser_mod via Community Store.
  • I added browser_mod: to my configuration.yaml. (I tried both with and without defining devices:.)
      name: macbook_safari_1
      name: macbook_safari_2
  • Blackout is successful from Developer Tools > Services.
  • Calling blackout from lovelace using variations on the following code does not work. (I have tried both with and without deviceID.)
  - type: entity-button
    entity: light.family_room
    name: TEST
      - service: browser_mod.command
          command: blackout
         # deviceID:
         # - 871bd80d-09d34d4a
  • I have tried it as a script, and tried calling it both from a lovelace button-card and from Developer Tools > Services. (I have tried both with and without defining a deviceID.
    - service: browser_mod.command
        command: blackout
        # deviceID:
        #  - macbook_safari_1
  • I have deleted Home Assistantā€™s ā€œwebsite dataā€ from Safari.
  • I have tried using the Chrome browser.

What am I missing?