Bruh LED configuration question for automation section

Hi Community,

OK, I am just starting with getting into HASS.IO. I got into this because I would like to get into more home control and automation.

Right now, it’s just control. Later, automation…

Here is my project. I want to put ambient exterior lighting using LEDs on the exterior of my house. I plan on installing these under my eves, for both security and ambience. Sick example…

I am very versed on the HW and electrical aspect of all this. I have had a job in technology for the past 20 years but I’ve never seemed to pick up development. I’ve dabbled in it but just enough to be dangerous. LOL.

Bruh_Automation has some really great examples and I’ve been pouring over all the code samples.

Here is one thread that has been very helpful to me:

Here is where I am at:
R-pi3 running latest version of HASS.IO – 0.61.1
HiLetgo ESP8266 NodeMCU LUA CP2102 ESP-12E – loaded with Bruh LED sample code and connected to network
Visdoll 16.4Ft WS2812B 300Leds RGB Pixel Strip Lights, 60 Pixel/m WS2811
ALITOVE 5V 60A 300W Power Supply Transformer Adapter Converter

Used touliloup’s example and created a separate “Packages” directory and included “packages: !include_dir_named packages” under the homeassistant: section in the configuration.yaml

Underpackages, I’ve included a separate: exteriorleds.yaml which has:

  - platform: mqtt_json
    name: "House Top Eve"
    state_topic: "rasperry/topeve"
    command_topic: "rasperry/topeve/set"
    effect: true
      - bpm
      - candy cane  
      - confetti  
      - cyclon rainbow  
      - dots  
      - fire  
      - glitter  
      - juggle  
      - lightning
      - noise  
      - police all  
      - police one  
      - rainbow  
      - rainbow with glitter  
      - ripple  
      - sinelon  
      - solid  
      - twinkle
    brightness: true
    flash: true
    rgb: true
    optimistic: false
    qos: 0

    name: Top Eve Animation Speed
    initial: 150
    min: 1
    max: 150
    step: 10
    name: Brightness
    icon: mdi:brightness-7
    initial: 150
    min: 1
    max: 150
    step: 10

When I start HASS.IO, log into the HA webpage and check the “Configuration” → “General” → “Configuration Validation button” it gives me a valid configuration.

Here is the issue.

When I include the automations section of those samples in the community help linked above, I get a ton of configuration errors.

On the main home page of the HA webpage is states:

So, I go back to the “Configuration Validation Button” and it says:

I cut and paste the code and made just a few changes to the alias and topics.

  - alias: "Top Eve Animation Speed"
    initial_state: True
    hide_entity: False
      - platform: state
        entity_id: input_number.animation_speed
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: "rasperry/topeve/set"
          payload: '{"transition":{{ trigger.to_state.state | int }}}'

Here is the kicker… I also loaded Configurator: The browser-based configuration file editor for Home Assistant.

It’s telling me that the YAML looks good?


  • I am assuming that I need the automation to actually publish changes that I make in the animation speed and brightness to the ESP8266?
  • What is wrong with the automation configuration?

Any help with the configuration would be greatly appreciated!!!

Sincere thanks.

Edited for code blocks

You may need automation old: instead of automation: for the way you are doing it.


So, is there a better way to do this vs an “old way” assuming that automation style has changed for formatting in YAML?


The new way is the automation editor and the old way is the way you have done it, I prefer the old way as the automation editor mangles the code making it hard to read and fix.

Thanks again. I appreciate the insight.

when i put in automation old instead of "automation in the exteriorleds.YAML file and rerun the configuration validation tool, it states this:

what am i missing?

Also, I am struggling through the code. One of my questions is I am assuming that I need the automation to actually publish changes that I make in the animation speed and brightness to the ESP8266?

Appreciate the help!!

Hmm I didn’t realise you had it in a package, you probably can’t do automation old: in a package. I have all my automations in automation.yaml which is called with automation old: !include automation.yaml as a standard include in the configuration.yaml

Yep that’s what the publish line does :slight_smile:

ok, it’s still throwing errors at me… Gonna need some time to look into this more for the new styles. Ugh.

I’ve did the following:

  • Added “automation old: !include automation.yaml” as you stated.
  • I’ve moved the contents of exteriorleds.yaml to the configuration.yaml file.
  • Commented out the “packages: !include_dir_named packages” the configuration.yaml file.
  • Put my animations in the animations.yaml file and deleted them from the exteriorleds.yaml file.
  - alias: "Top Eve Animation Speed"
    initial_state: True
    hide_entity: False
      - platform: state
        entity_id: input_number.animation_speed
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: "rasperry/topeve/set"
          payload: '{"transition":{{ trigger.to_state.state | int }}}'

Configurator still throws this:
2018-01-21 16:58:23 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [homeassistant]: [automation old] is an invalid option for [homeassistant]. Check: homeassistant->automation old.

You can’t have the automation: inside the automations.yaml file you already stated it in the configuration file.
Also try it without the old, maybe doesn’t need it.

One other thing payload: should be payload_template:

Thanks for all your help Keith! Rock on man!

I removed the automation from automations.yaml as you suggested (still learning formatting)…

  - alias: "Top Eve Animation Speed"
    initial_state: True
    hide_entity: False
      - platform: state
        entity_id: input_number.animation_speed
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: "rasperry/topeve/set"
          payload_template: '{"transition":{{ trigger.to_state.state | int }}}'

That worked so tried and i repacked the lights in exteriorleds.yaml and uncommented the “packages: !include_dir_named packages”.

I reran the configurator and boom! Valid Config!

I had the “automation: !include automations.yaml” included in the homeassistant section and removed it to place in the bottom of the file.

  name: Home
  latitude: redacted
  longitude: redacted
  elevation: 800    
  unit_system: imperial
  time_zone: redacted
  customize: !include customize.yaml
  packages: !include_dir_named packages

  - platform: yr
  - platform: google
  broker: core-mosquitto
  username: redacted
  password: redacted

group: !include groups.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml


Thank you for your help! I am glad i reached out to the community and you answered!!
